English Audio Books

  • Canada: The Empire of the North
  • Canada: The Empire of the North
    Agnes C. Laut
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    Canada's past is more dramatic than any romance ever penned. . . . All that has been attempted here is such a story of the romance and adventure in Canada's nation building as will give the casual reader knowledge of the country's past, and how that past led along a trail of great heroism to the destiny of a Northern Empire. This volume is in no sense formal history. There will be found in it no such lists of governors with dates appended, of treaties with articles running to the fours and eights and tens, of battles grouped with dates, as have made Canadian history a nightmare to children. It is only such a story as boys and girls may read, or the hurried business man on the train, who wants to know "what was doing" in the past; and it is mainly a story of men and women and things doing.