English Audio Books

  • Struggles and Triumphs, or Forty Years' of Recollections of P.T. Barnum, written by Himself
  • Struggles and Triumphs, or Forty Years' of Recollections of P.T. Barnum, written by Himself
    P. T. Barnum
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    The 1873 edition of the autobiography of the founding genius of the "Greatest Show on Earth," P.T. (Phineas Taylor) Barnum. It details his life and business struggles up to the year 1872. Not only a showman and a museum operator, but an antislavery politician, Connecticut state legislator, Mayor of Bridgeport, Connecticut, and temperance lecturer, Barnum lays aside some of the gilding to provide his thoughts on his career, economics, how to make money, and other issues of the day.