<h2><SPAN name="THE_PEACH" id="THE_PEACH"></SPAN>THE PEACH.</h2>
<p class="ac">WILLIAM KERR HIGLEY,<br/>
<span class="smaller">Secretary of The Chicago Academy of Sciences.</span></p>
<ANTIMG class="drop-cap" src="images/initial_t.jpg" width-obs="58" height-obs="70" alt="" /></div>
<p class="drop-cap">THE peach (<i>Amygdalus persica, L.</i>),
is one of our most important
and best-known fruits.</p>
<p>It is not found in the wild state,
in its present form, though in some
localities it propagates itself, having
escaped from cultivation.</p>
<p>It is probably a native of China,
where it has been cultivated for centuries
and where it is said to reach its
greatest perfection, although Darwin
holds that the evidence seems to indicate
that the wild almond of Persia is
the original source of the cultivated
almond, the peach, and the nectarine.
The specific name <i>persica</i>, has its origin
in the fact that the peach was obtained
from Persia, both by the Romans and
the Greeks.</p>
<p>Dr. Willis tells us that "it was introduced
into Italy from Persia by the
Romans, in the reign of Claudius
Cæsar. It was introduced into Great
Britain during the sixteenth century,
and thence brought in 1680 by the
settlers of Virginia to America."</p>
<p>The number of varieties seems to be
unlimited. Over four hundred have
been catalogued, though less than one
hundred of these are constant. The
nectarine is considered a variety and
closely related to the peach and the
plum, the apricot, and the cherry.</p>
<p>The tree itself, when bearing its beautiful
rose-colored, five-petaled flowers,
is highly ornamental. It seldom grows
higher than twenty feet and its
branches form a symmetrical top. One
very ornamental variety produces
double flowers and bright, shining
leaves, but no fruit.</p>
<p>This valuable plant is generally
placed in the family <i>Rosaceæ</i>, which includes
many species of economic and
ornamental importance. Besides those
already mentioned, here belong the
rose, the strawberry, the raspberry, the
blackberry, the apple, the pear, and the
quince, as well as many beautiful wild
<p>The thousand or more species usually
classed in this family may be
readily separated into distinct groups,
to which are given distinct family
names by some authorities. Thus, the
peach, the cherry, the plum, and the
almond, which resemble each other in
regard to the structure of their fruits
and in their chemical constituents, may
be placed in a family by themselves.</p>
<p>It is of interest to note that this luscious
fruit was not always considered
free from noxious qualities. Pliny
states that it was considered by some
that its presence in Egypt was due to
its introduction there by the Persian
king for the purpose of poisoning his
<p>The Chinese writings refer to the
peach as early as the fifth century before
Christ, and it is given the name
"tao" by Confucius. We are also told
that in these writings "the peach tree
holds the same place that the tree
of knowledge does in the sacred scriptures,
and that the golden Hesperides,
apples of the heathen, hold among the
western nations."</p>
<p>In Chinese mythology a peach tree
is mentioned which was thought to
possess the power of causing immortality
but which produced its fruit but
once in a thousand years, and another,
which grew on a mountain and
which existed in the early history of
China, was said to be guarded by a
number of demons.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_183" id="Page_183">[Pg 183]</SPAN></span></p>
<table class="sp2 mc w50" title="PEACH.">
<td colspan="3"><span class="ac w100 figcenter">
<SPAN name="i_085.jpg" id="i_085.jpg"> <ANTIMG style="width:100%"
src="images/i_085.jpg" width="600" height="374" alt="" /></SPAN></span>
<td class="xx-smaller ac w30">CHICAGO:<br/>A. W. MUMFORD, PUBLISHER.<br/>
<td class="x-smaller ac w40">PEACH.<br/>
½ Life-size.</td>
<td class="xx-smaller ac w30">COPYRIGHT 1899, BY<br/>
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