<p>Oh, not for us the easy mirth
<br/>Of men that never roam!
<br/>The crackling of the narrow hearth,
<br/>The cabined joys of home!
<br/>Keep your tame, regulated glee,
<br/>O pale protected State!
<br/>Our dwelling-place is on the sea,
<br/>Our joy the joy of Fate!
<br/>No long caresses give us ease,
<br/>No lazy languors warm,
<br/>We seize our mates as the sea-gulls seize,
<br/>And leave them to the storm.
<br/>But in the bridal halls of gloom
<br/>The couch is stern and strait;
<br/>For us the marriage rite of Doom,
<br/>The nuptial joy of Fate.
<br/>Wine for the weaklings of the town,
<br/>Their lucky toasts to drain!
<br/>Our skoal for them whose star goes down,
<br/>Our drink the drink of men!
<br/>No Bacchic ivy for our brows!
<br/>Like vikings, we await
<br/>The grim, ungarlanded carouse
<br/>We keep to-night with Fate.
<br/>Ho, gamesters of the pampered court!
<br/>What stakes are those at strife?
<br/>Your thousands are but paltry sport
<br/>To them that play for life.
<br/>You risk doubloons, and hold your breath.
<br/>Win groats, and wax elate;
<br/>But we throw loaded dice with Death,
<br/>And call the turn on Fate.
<br/>The kings of earth are crowned with care,
<br/>Their poets wail and sigh;
<br/>Our music is to do and dare,
<br/>Our empire is to die.
<br/>Against the storm we fling our glee
<br/>And shout, till Time abate
<br/>The exultation of the sea,
<br/>The fearful joy of Fate.</p>
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