<p>Once in the Workshop, ages ago,
<br/>The clay was wet and the fire was low.
<br/>And He who was bent on fashioning man
<br/>Moulded a shape from a clod,
<br/>And put the loyal heart therein;
<br/>While another stood watching by.
<br/>"What's that?" said Beelzebub.
<br/>"A lover," said God.
<br/>And Beelzebub frowned, for he knew that kind.
<br/>And then God fashioned a fellow shape
<br/>As lithe as a willow rod,
<br/>And gave it the merry roving eye
<br/>And the range of the open road.
<br/>"What's that?" said Beelzebub.
<br/>"A vagrant," said God.
<br/>And Beelzebub smiled, for he knew that kind.
<br/>And last of all God fashioned a form,
<br/>And gave it, what was odd,
<br/>The loyal heart and the roving eye;
<br/>And he whistled, light of care.
<br/>"What's that?" said Beelzebub.
<br/>"A poet," said God.
<br/>And Beelzebub frowned, for he did not know.</p>
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