<span style="margin-left: 2em;">God send thee peace, Oh, great unhappy heart—</span><br/>
<span style="margin-left: 3em;">A world away, I pray that thou mayst rest</span><br/>
<span style="margin-left: 3em;">Softly as on the Well-Belovèd's breast,</span><br/>
<span style="margin-left: 2em;">Where ever in her wistful dreams thou art.</span><br/>
<span style="margin-left: 2em;">At dawn my prayer is all for thee, at noon</span><br/>
<span style="margin-left: 3em;">My very heart and, Oh, at night my tears</span><br/>
<span style="margin-left: 3em;">For all we walk alone the empty years</span><br/>
<span style="margin-left: 2em;">Nor meet neath any sun—neath any moon.</span><br/>
<span style="margin-left: 2em;">Yet must my love go with thee—all apart</span><br/>
<span style="margin-left: 3em;">From this the life I lend to lesser things;</span><br/>
<span style="margin-left: 3em;">God send to thee this night beneath its wings,</span><br/>
<span style="margin-left: 2em;">A little peace, Oh, great unhappy heart.</span><br/>
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