<p><SPAN name="link2H_4_0002" id="link2H_4_0002"> </SPAN></p>
<p class="pfirst">
<span class="dropcap" style="font-size: 4.00em">B</span>ISHOPS and others
who inhabit</p>
<p>The mansions of the blest on earth,</p>
<p><SPAN name="linkimage-0004" id="linkimage-0004"> </SPAN></p>
<div class="fig"> <ANTIMG src="images/015m.jpg" alt="015m " width-obs="100%" /><br/></div>
<p>Grieved by decline of infant birth,</p>
<p>Have drawn attention to the rabbit.</p>
<p>Not by design these good men work</p>
<p>To raise that beast to heights contested,</p>
<p>But by comparison, suggested,</p>
<p>With those who procreation shirk.</p>
<p>For if a nation's moral status</p>
<p>Be measured by prolific habit,</p>
<p>Between man and the meanest rabbit</p>
<p>There is an evident hiatus.</p>
<p>Each year, by lowest computations,</p>
<p>Six times the rabbit rears her young,</p>
<p>And frequent marriages among</p>
<p>The very closest blood relations</p>
<p>In very tender years ensure</p>
<p>A constant stream of "little strangers,"</p>
<p>Who, quickly grown to gallant rangers,</p>
<p>See that their families endure.</p>
<p>Not theirs to shirk paternal cares,</p>
<p>Moved by considerations sordid,</p>
<p>A child can always "be afforded";</p>
<p>The same applies to Belgian hares.</p>
<p>These noble brutes, pure Duty's pendants,</p>
<p>May live to see their blood vermilion</p>
<p>Coursing through something like a billion</p>
<p>Wholly legitimate descendants.</p>
<p>Knowledge's path is hard and stony,</p>
<p>And some may read who unaware are</p>
<p>That rabbit brown and Belgian hare are</p>
<p>Both members of the genus Coney.</p>
<p>The common hare, who lives in fields</p>
<p>And never goes into a hole,</p>
<p>(In this inferior to the mole)</p>
<p>In all things to the Belgian yields.</p>
<p>He will, immoral brute, decline</p>
<p>To multiply domestic "pledges,"</p>
<p>The family he rears in hedges</p>
<p>Is often limited to nine.</p>
<p>Such shocking want of <i>savoir faire</i>,</p>
<p>(Surely a symptom of insanity)</p>
<p>Might goad a Bishop to profanity</p>
<p>Were it not for the Belgian hare.</p>
<p><br/> <br/><br/></p>
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