<p><SPAN name="link2H_4_0003" id="link2H_4_0003"> </SPAN></p>
<p class="pfirst">
<span class="dropcap" style="font-size: 4.00em">T</span>HE Lion laps the
limpid lake,</p>
<p class="indent5">
The Pard refuses wine,</p>
<p>The sinuous Lizard and the Snake,</p>
<p class="indent5">
The petulant Porcupine,</p>
<p>Agree in this, their thirst to quench</p>
<p>Only with Nature's natural "drench."</p>
<p>In vain with beer you tempt the Deer,</p>
<p class="indent5">
Or lure the Marmozet;</p>
<p>The early morning Chanticleer,</p>
<p class="indent5">
The painted Parroquet,</p>
<p>Alike, on claret and champagne</p>
<p>Gaze with unfaltering disdain.</p>
<p>No ale or spirit tempts the Ferret,</p>
<p class="indent5">
No juice of grape the Toad.</p>
<p><SPAN name="linkimage-0005" id="linkimage-0005"> </SPAN></p>
<div class="fig"> <ANTIMG src="images/022m.jpg" alt="022m " width-obs="100%" /><br/></div>
<p>In vain towards the "Harp and Merit"</p>
<p class="indent5">
The patient Ox you goad;</p>
<p>Not his in rapture to extol</p>
<p>The praises of the flowing bowl.</p>
<p>The silent Spider laughs at cider,</p>
<p class="indent5">
The Horse despises port;</p>
<p>The Crocodile (whose mouth is wider</p>
<p class="indent5">
Than any other sort)</p>
<p>Prefers the waters of the Nile</p>
<p>To any of a stronger style.</p>
<p>The Rabbit knows no "private bar,"</p>
<p class="indent5">
The Pelican will wander</p>
<p>Through arid plains of Kandahar,</p>
<p class="indent5">
Nor ever pause to ponder</p>
<p>Whether in that infernal clime</p>
<p>The clocks converge to "closing time."</p>
<p>True "bona-fide traveller"</p>
<p class="indent5">
Urging no sophist plea,</p>
<p>How terrible must seem to her</p>
<p class="indent5">
Man's inebriety;</p>
<p>She who in thirsty moments places</p>
<p>Her simple trust in green oases.</p>
<p>With what calm scorn the Unicorn,</p>
<p class="indent5">
In his remote retreat,</p>
<p>Must contemplate the fervour born</p>
<p class="indent5">
Of old "Château Lafitte."</p>
<p>Conceive the feelings of the Sphinx</p>
<p>Confronted with Columbian drinks!</p>
<p>And oh! if all this solemn truth</p>
<p class="indent5">
Were dinned into its mind</p>
<p>From earliest years, might not our youth</p>
<p class="indent5">
Regenerate mankind,</p>
<p>Aspire to climb the Heights, and dare</p>
<p>To emulate the Belgian hare?</p>
<p><br/> <br/><br/></p>
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