<p><SPAN name="link2H_4_0006" id="link2H_4_0006"> </SPAN></p>
<p class="pfirst">
<span class="dropcap" style="font-size: 4.00em">W</span>HO that has sailed
upon the ocean's face,</p>
<p class="indent5">
Or walked beside the sea along the sand,</p>
<p>Has not felt envy for the piscine race,</p>
<p>Comparing its domain, where noise is banned,</p>
<p>To the infernal racket that takes place</p>
<p>On land?</p>
<p>While up above the billows rage and roar</p>
<p>And make a most unnecessary noise,</p>
<p>And shallow Shrimps, who live too near the shore,</p>
<p>Are harassed by the shouts of girls and boys,</p>
<p>Who find the beach a place convenient for</p>
<p>Their toys,</p>
<p>The happy members of the Fishy clan</p>
<p>Pursue in peace their various pursuits,</p>
<p>All undisturbed by bell of muffin-man,</p>
<p>Or bellow of purveyor of fresh fruits,</p>
<p>Who at each "Pub" his voice republican</p>
<p>The harmless Herring gambols with his young,</p>
<p>And heeds but hears not their impulsive play.</p>
<p>(His heart is with their mother who was flung,</p>
<p>Kippered to feed a clerk's bank-holiday,</p>
<p>Into the salting-tub and passed unsung</p>
<p>Now, had this Herring been of human breed,</p>
<p>And lived in London or some other town,</p>
<p>Fate would have made him <i>hear</i> as well as heed</p>
<p>His offspring as it gambolled up and down,</p>
<p><SPAN name="linkimage-0009" id="linkimage-0009"> </SPAN></p>
<div class="fig"> <ANTIMG src="images/037m.jpg" alt="037m " width-obs="100%" /><br/></div>
<p>Making a noise that's very hard indeed</p>
<p>To drown.</p>
<p>Moreover, organ-grinders would have ground,</p>
<p>And yowls from both "employed" and "unemployed";</p>
<p>Hoarse howls from those who had "salvation" found,</p>
<p>And bawls from those whose faith had been destroyed,</p>
<p>Would have combined to keep his sense of sound</p>
<p>Who would not therefore rather be a Whale,</p>
<p>A Hake, a Haddock, or a Mackerel,</p>
<p>Than linger in this sad uncertain vale</p>
<p>(Here where men sit and hear each other yell)?</p>
<p>Better to go, if other places fail,</p>
<p>To ———</p>
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