<p><SPAN name="link2H_4_0008" id="link2H_4_0008"> </SPAN></p>
<p class="pfirst">
<span class="dropcap" style="font-size: 4.00em">S</span>EEN in the mirror
of the poet's dream,</p>
<p>(Exclusively reserved for the "elect"),</p>
<p>Each animal supplies us with a theme</p>
<p>For wondering-admiration and respect.</p>
<p>Thus, to those men who truly modest seem</p>
<p>The Hare.</p>
<p>The Bee performs all sorts of useful things</p>
<p>When she is gathering honey for the hive,</p>
<p>She fertilises flowers and plants, and brings</p>
<p>Food to keep necessary Drones alive.</p>
<p>Unless annoyed she very seldom stings,</p>
<p>Dear me!</p>
<p>The Bee.</p>
<p>The Dove extols and cherishes his mate,</p>
<p>And coos and woos all through the summer day.</p>
<p>H is life is blamelessly immaculate,</p>
<p>And though his wings enable him to stray,</p>
<p>He seldom does. He never comes home late.</p>
<p>By Jove!</p>
<p>The Dove.</p>
<p>The Crow displays a splendid scorn of pelf,</p>
<p>Backed by invulnerable self-restraint.</p>
<p>All specious arts he lays upon the shelf,</p>
<p>And, being free from every primal taint,</p>
<p>He keeps himself entirely to himself.</p>
<p><SPAN name="linkimage-0011" id="linkimage-0011"> </SPAN></p>
<div class="fig"> <ANTIMG src="images/044m.jpg" alt="044m " width-obs="100%" /><br/></div>
<p>The Crow!</p>
<p>The Stork <i>compels</i> our admiration, he</p>
<p>Will stand for several hours in the same place</p>
<p>And on one leg, instead of two (or three),</p>
<p>Thus practising economy of space.</p>
<p>A grand example of stability!</p>
<p>Oh Lork!</p>
<p>The Stork.</p>
<p>The self-repressive Cod, on his own beat,</p>
<p>Swims in elaborately-studied curves.</p>
<p>He keeps below, not wishing to compete</p>
<p>With surface-swimming fishes, though his nerves</p>
<p>Are sometimes tried by lack of air, and heat.</p>
<p>Good God!</p>
<p>The Cod.</p>
<p><br/> <br/><br/></p>
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