<p><SPAN name="link2H_4_0009" id="link2H_4_0009"> </SPAN></p>
<p class="pfirst">
<span class="dropcap" style="font-size: 4.00em">T</span>HE Crab walks
sideways, not because his build</p>
<p class="indent5">
Precludes the possibility of walking straight,</p>
<p>And not (as some have thought) that he is filled</p>
<p class="indent5">
With strange and lawless theories on gait;</p>
<p>Still less that he is foolishly self-willed</p>
<p class="indent5">
And prone to show off or exaggerate.</p>
<p>No serious student of his life and ways</p>
<p class="indent5">
Will venture to impugn his common sense;</p>
<p>His tact and moderation win high praise</p>
<p class="indent5">
Even from those whose faculties are dense</p>
<p>And blind to the false issues which they raise</p>
<p class="indent5">
When they accuse him of malevolence.</p>
<p>"But, ah!" these shallow hide-bound pedants cry,</p>
<p class="indent5">
"If to the Crab all virtues you concede,</p>
<p>If his intentions are not evil, why</p>
<p class="indent5">
This sidelong walk,</p>
<p><SPAN name="linkimage-0012" id="linkimage-0012"> </SPAN></p>
<div class="fig"> <ANTIMG src="images/047m.jpg" alt="047m " width-obs="100%" /><br/></div>
<p class="indent5">
These flanking steps that lead</p>
<p>To no advancement of Humanity,</p>
<p class="indent5">
No exaltation of the mortal breed?</p>
<p>"Why not go forward as the Sword-fish goes?</p>
<p class="indent5">
Or move straight backward, like the jibbing Horse</p>
<p>Why this absurd and pitiable pose</p>
<p class="indent5">
That takes delight in any devious course?</p>
<p>Why this dislike to 'following the nose'</p>
<p class="indent5">
Which all the best authorities endorse?"</p>
<p>Insensate fools. Swims not the Cod in curves?</p>
<p class="indent5">
Does not the running Roebuck leap and bound</p>
<p>If in his flight the Capercailzie swerves,</p>
<p class="indent5">
Shall he be mocked by every Basset-hound</p>
<p>Who, having neither feathers, wings, nor nerves,</p>
<p class="indent5">
Has not the pluck to rise up from the ground?</p>
<p>Peace, peace, the Crab adopts a side-long walk,</p>
<p class="indent5">
For reasons still impossible to see.</p>
<p>And if his pride permitted him to talk</p>
<p class="indent5">
To any one who did not do as he,</p>
<p>His instinct would be, probably, to balk</p>
<p class="indent5">
The hopes of vulgar curiosity.</p>
<p>And while the schoolmen argue and discuss,</p>
<p class="indent5">
And fill the air with "whats," and "whens," and "whys,"</p>
<p>And demonstrate as: thus, and thus, and thus,</p>
<p class="indent5">
The crab will pulverise their theories,</p>
<p>And put an end to all this foolish fuss</p>
<p class="indent5">
By walking sideways into Paradise.</p>
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