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<h1 class="faux">“ENGLAND AND YESTERDAY”</h1>
<span class="adtitle2">A BOOK OF SHORT POEMS</span><br/>
<span class="author">LOUISE IMOGEN GUINEY</span><br/>
<h2>LONDON:<br/>SONNETS WRITTEN IN 1889.<br/><br/><i>TO HERBERT E. CLARKE.</i></h2>
<h2>I.<br/><small>ON FIRST ENTERING WESTMINSTER ABBEY.</small></h2>
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<div class="poetry">
<div class="verse">Holy of England! since my light is short</div>
<div class="verse">And faint, O rather by the sun anew</div>
<div class="verse">Of timeless passion set my dial true,</div>
<div class="verse">That with thy saints and thee I may consort;</div>
<div class="verse">And wafted in the cool enshadowed port</div>
<div class="verse">Of poets, seem a little sail long due,</div>
<div class="verse">And be as one the call of memory drew</div>
<div class="verse">Unto the saddle void since Agincourt!</div>
<div class="verse">Not now for secular love’s unquiet lease,</div>
<div class="verse">Receive my soul, who, rapt in thee erewhile,</div>
<div class="verse">Hath broken tryst with transitory things;</div>
<div class="verse">But seal with her a marriage and a peace</div>
<div class="verse">Eternal, on thine Edward’s altar-isle,</div>
<div class="verse">Above the stormless sea of ended kings.</div>
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