<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_10" id="Page_10">[10]</SPAN></span></p>
<h2>VIII.<br/><small>IN THE READING-ROOM OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM.</small></h2>
<div class="poetry-container">
<div class="poetry">
<div class="verse">Praised be the moon of books! that doth above</div>
<div class="verse">A world of men, the sunken Past behold,</div>
<div class="verse">And colour spaces else too void and cold,</div>
<div class="verse">To make a very heaven again thereof;</div>
<div class="verse">As when the sun is set behind a grove,</div>
<div class="verse">And faintly unto nether ether rolled,</div>
<div class="verse">All night, his whiter image and his mould</div>
<div class="verse">Grows beautiful with looking on her love.</div>
<div class="verse">Thou, therefore, moon of so divine a ray,</div>
<div class="verse">Lend to our steps both fortitude and light!</div>
<div class="verse">Feebly along a venerable way</div>
<div class="verse">They climb the infinite, or perish quite;</div>
<div class="verse">Nothing are days and deeds to such as they,</div>
<div class="verse">While in this liberal house thy face is bright.</div>
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