<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_20" id="Page_20">[20]</SPAN></span></p>
<h2>IV.<br/><small>ROOKS IN NEW COLLEGE GARDENS.</small></h2>
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<div class="poetry">
<div class="verse">Through rosy cloud, and over thorny towers,</div>
<div class="verse">Their wings with darkling autumn distance filled,</div>
<div class="verse">From Isis’ valley border, hundred-hilled,</div>
<div class="verse">The rooks are crowding home as evening lowers:</div>
<div class="verse">Not for men only, and their musing hours,</div>
<div class="verse">By battled walls did gracious Wykeham build</div>
<div class="verse">These dewy spaces early sown and stilled,</div>
<div class="verse">These dearest inland melancholy bowers.</div>
<div class="verse">Blest birds! A book held open on the knee</div>
<div class="verse">Below, is all they guess of Adam’s blight:</div>
<div class="verse">With surer art the while, and simpler rite,</div>
<div class="verse">They follow Truth in some monastic tree,</div>
<div class="verse">Where breathe against their docile breasts, by night,</div>
<div class="verse">The scholar’s star, the star of sanctity.</div>
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