<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_22" id="Page_22">[22]</SPAN></span></p>
<h2>VI.<br/><small>ON THE SAME (CONTINUED).</small></h2>
<div class="poetry-container">
<div class="poetry">
<div class="verse">Is this the end? Is this the pilgrim’s day</div>
<div class="verse">For dread, for dereliction, and for tears?</div>
<div class="verse">Rather, from grass and air and many spheres,</div>
<div class="verse">In prophecy his spirit sinks away;</div>
<div class="verse">And under English eaves, more still than they,</div>
<div class="verse">Far-off, incoming, wonderful, he hears</div>
<div class="verse">The long-arrested, the believing years</div>
<div class="verse">Carry the sea-wall! Shall he, sighing, say:</div>
<div class="verse">“Farewell to Faith, for she is dead at best</div>
<div class="verse">Who had such beauty”? or, with kisses lain</div>
<div class="verse">For witness on her darkened doors, go by</div>
<div class="verse">With a new psalm: “O banished light so nigh!</div>
<div class="verse">Of them was I, who bore thee and who blest:</div>
<div class="verse">Even here remember me when thou shalt reign.”</div>
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