<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_27" id="Page_27">[27]</SPAN></span></p>
<h2>XI.<br/><small>A LAST VIEW.</small></h2>
<div class="poetry-container">
<div class="poetry">
<div class="verse">Where down the glen, across the shallow ford,</div>
<div class="verse">Stretches the open aisle from scene to scene,</div>
<div class="verse">By halted horses silently we lean,</div>
<div class="verse">Gazing enchanted from our steeper sward.</div>
<div class="verse">How yon low loving skies of April hoard</div>
<div class="verse">An hundred pinnacles, and how with sheen</div>
<div class="verse">Of spike and ball her languid clouds between,</div>
<div class="verse">Grey Oxford grandly rises riverward!</div>
<div class="verse">Sweet on those dim long-dedicated walls,</div>
<div class="verse">Silver as rain the frugal sunshine falls;</div>
<div class="verse">Slowly sad eyes resign them, bound afar.</div>
<div class="verse">Dear Beauty, dear Tradition, fare you well:</div>
<div class="verse">And powers that aye aglow in you, impel</div>
<div class="verse">Our quickening spirits from the slime we are.</div>
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