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<h1>ORPHEUS<br/> <small><small>AND</small></small><br/> OTHER POEMS</h1>
<p class="c"><small>BY</small><br/>
<big>EDWARD BURROUGH BROWNLOW</big>.<br/><br/>
<span class="smcap">Published by</span><br/><br/>
<span class="smcap">The Pen and Pencil Club.</span><br/><br/>
<span class="smcap">Montreal.</span><br/>
<i>Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the Year 1896, by</i><br/>
<span class="smcap">The Pen and Pencil Club</span>,<br/>
<i>at the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa</i>.<br/>
<span class="smcap">Born in London, England,<br/><br/>
27 November, 1857,<br/><br/>
Died in Montreal, Canada,<br/><br/>
8 September, 1895</span>,<br/>
<span class="smcap">His Fellow-Members of</span><br/>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="">
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#ORPHEUS">Orpheus</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_1">1</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#DEAD_SUMMER">Dead Summer</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_14">14</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#AUTUMN">Autumn</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_15">15</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#THE_SKY-LARK">The Sky-Lark</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_16">16</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#CONSTANCY">Constancy</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_17">17</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#A_BALLADE_OF_THE_STREET">A Ballade of the Street</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_18">18</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#SONNET">Sonnet</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_19">19</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#THE_BLUSH">Pantoum—The Blush</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_20">20</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#THE_RONDEAU">The Rondeau</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_22">22</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#WINTER">Winter</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_23">23</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#PURPOSE">Purpose</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_24">24</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#SONNET">Sonnet</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_25">25</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#A_ROMAN_GIRLS_PRAYER">A Roman Girl’s Prayer</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_26">26</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#A_BALLADE_OF_BOCCACCIO">A Ballade of Boccaccio</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_27">27</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#RELEASE">Release</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_28">28</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#THE_WHIP-POOR-WILL">The Whip-Poor-Will</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_29">29</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#THE_DEATH_OF_THE_LAUREATE">The Death of the Laureate</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_30">30</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#THE_SONNET">The Sonnet</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_32">32</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#THE_POET">The Poet</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_33">33</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#IN_BOEOTIA">In Bœtia</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_35">35</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#LOVE-LAND">Love-Land</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_36">36</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#THE_LEGENDS_AND_LILIES_OF_FRANCE">The Legends and Lilies of France</SPAN> </td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_38">38</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#HAWTHORN_SPRAY">Hawthorn Spray</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_40">40</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#IF_I_WERE_KING">If I were King</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_41">41</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#WORLD_WIND_LEAVES_AND_SNOW">World, Wind, Leaves and Snow</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_42">42</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#ROSE">Rose</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_45">45</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#A_SEA_DREAM">A Sea Dream</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_46">46</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#THE_BLACK_KNIGHT">The Black Knight</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_49">49</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#THE_GOLDEN_LINE">The Golden Line</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_56">56</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#SWEET_OF_MY_LIFE">Sweet of my Life</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_57">57</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#HASTINGS">Hastings</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_58">58</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#SHELLEY">Shelley</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_59">59</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#MORNING">Morning</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_60">60</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#LOVES_VOICE">Love’s Voice</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_63">63</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#LILIES_AND_POPPIES">Lilies and Poppies</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_64">64</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#TO_BACCHUS">To Bacchus</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_65">65</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#LOVES_WHISPERS">Love’s Whispers</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_66">66</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#WORK">Work</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_67">67</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#WHERE_BLUE_BELLS_NOD">Where Blue-bells nod</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_69">69</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#LOSS_AND_GAIN">Loss and Gain</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_70">70</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#TRIO">Trio</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_71">71</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#DE_SENECTUTE">De Senectute</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_74">74</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#THE_COMING_OF_SUMMER">The Coming of Summer</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_78">78</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#RONDEL">Rondel</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_84">84</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#THE_ABBEY_WALLS">The Abbey Walls</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_85">85</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#THE_VIOLET">The Violet</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_87">87</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#LA_FARFALLA">La Farfalla</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_88">88</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#COWPER">Cowper</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_92">92</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#RAIN">Rain</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_93">93</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#HYMN">Hymn</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_94">94</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top"><SPAN href="#THE_GREAT_PLAY">The Great Play</SPAN></td><td class="rt" valign="bottom"><SPAN href="#page_96">96</SPAN></td></tr>
<p class="c"><small>
Printed by <span class="smcap">D. Bentley & Co.</span><br/>
At Montreal, Canada, this First day of May,<br/>
A.D. 1896.</small></p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_1" id="page_1"></SPAN>{1}</span></p>
<h2><SPAN name="ORPHEUS" id="ORPHEUS"></SPAN>ORPHEUS.</h2>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Unto the realm of Pluto many roads<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Lead with dark winding from the bright abodes<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Of men, and when life’s last detaining thread<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Is cut by Iris, and the body, dead,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With Charon’s coin in palm, rests in the tomb<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Or on the pyre, the dæmon of its doom<br/></span>
<span class="i0">After much pitiful forbearance tears<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The soul from its environment of cares<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With promise sweet of love’s awaiting kiss,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Of old friends greeting, and much holy bliss<br/></span>
<span class="i0">On shores Elysian, where all ways are peace,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And all existence virtue without cease;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">But ere the fields of Asphodel are won<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Dire labours manifold must first be done<br/></span>
<span class="i0">By soul and dæmon.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i10">All the paths descend<br/></span>
<span class="i0">To four great streams, whose turgid waters blend<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With suffering souls: here flows sad Acheron<br/></span>
<span class="i0">On whose black banks impatient spirits run<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And call to that grim boatman, ferrying o’er<br/></span>
<span class="i0">His last embarker to the nether shore<br/></span>
<span class="i0">In silence, bent with duty’s measured pull,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Certain of all to follow; there, too, full<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Of awful lamentations from lost souls<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Cocytus its fierce waves of sorrow rolls<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Wherein dwells one whose face is only seen—<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_2" id="page_2"></SPAN>{2}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Above the surface, human and serene,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Below, her horrid serpent-form encoils<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And stings the hapless spirits in her toils<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With scorpion venom; Phlegethon rolls by<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Flaming with waves that hiss, and mount on high<br/></span>
<span class="i0">To lick with burning tongue each crusted shore<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Where not the vilest weed dare clamber o’er,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">There swim huge salamanders, whose desire<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Grows with the maddening tumult of the fire;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And lastly, Styx, that pool of pitchy slime<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Whereby the great gods swear their vows sublime,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">In whose black channel hatred finds a home,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And breeds with fury many a plague-born gnome<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Loathsome to gods and men.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i10">These rivers run<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Far to the West, beyond the sinking sun,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Beyond old Ocean’s limits, past the range<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Of starry travel or where comets strange<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Rush in hot madness; there too Lethe flows<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Where souls must drink to gain the sweet repose<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Of all-forgetfulness, before the Fates<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Lose power to plague them, or their bygone states<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Haunt them like ghosts.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i10">These waters safely crossed,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The plains beneath thick filled with spirits lost,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Avernus meets the view, vast, horrid lake<br/></span>
<span class="i0">At Hades’ entrance; who its waters take,<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_3" id="page_3"></SPAN>{3}</span><br/></span>
<span class="i0">Sicken and die in torture that must rend<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With endless tooth, for such death has no end.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Beyond Avernus stands the gate of Hell,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With Cerberus to guard its portals well.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Unto that gate came Orpheus with his lute<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Whose most melodious music had made mute<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The wailing souls on Acheron’s sad shore,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And charmed old Charon, as he ferried o’er<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The son of great Apollo in his quest<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For her whom of all women he loved best,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And as he came fierce Cerberus stood still<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Fixed by the magic of the player’s skill:<br/></span>
<span class="i0">On Orpheus went and played, for he knew well<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The wondrous potency of this great spell<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Would by a pause be broken, and his fate<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Never to pass alive the solemn gate;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">He roused the Harpies, those most fearful things<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With heads and breasts of women and the wings<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Of birds, and talons of the lion fierce,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Whose breath is poison and whose venoms pierce<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Deep in man’s soul—the hags were planning then<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Foul plots for planting grief in hearts of men;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">He stayed stern Nemesis, now poised for flight<br/></span>
<span class="i0">As she in darkness left her mother Night;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The three great judges of the soul now paused<br/></span>
<span class="i0">In giving sentence, for the music caused<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Minos and Æacus and Rhadamanthus think<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_4" id="page_4"></SPAN>{4}</span><br/></span>
<span class="i0">What change the gods had wrought, that at the brink<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Of Tartarus such heavenly sounds should rise<br/></span>
<span class="i0">To make the heart upleap and to the eyes<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Communicate swift tears of sudden joy—<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Had Jupiter grown mad to let this boy,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">This gold-haired stripling with the silver strings<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Enter dark Hades with such sound that brings<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Pity to their stern breasts?<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i10">The Gorgons stare<br/></span>
<span class="i0">In vain at Orpheus through their viper-hair,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">He sings and heeds them not, and he alone<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Looks at them, eye for eye, and not to stone<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Is turned; the Lemures, that spectral swarm,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">That fill the space of Hades without form,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Halt in their wanderings to hear the notes<br/></span>
<span class="i0">That fall as from a thousand song-birds’ throats.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Pale Death sits sharpening her dart and hears<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With sad dismay the sound that soothes her ears,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Her arm grows powerless—the black dart falls<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With echoing clang on Hades’ marbled halls;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The triple sisters who turn mad the mind<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With envy, rage, and hatred, and make blind<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The heart with judgment false, hear the high strains,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And knowledge of lost joy o’erwhelms their brains;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Triptolemus stands still with bated breath<br/></span>
<span class="i0">While on his way to that great hall of death<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Where his stern fellow judges sit aghast<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Still pondering on Orpheus.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_5" id="page_5"></SPAN>{5}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i10">Now he passed<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Poor Marsyas, whose love of music great<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Lured him to challenge for his after-fate<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The laurel-crowned Apollo and his lyre,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Wherefore he stayed in the eternal fire;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">But Orpheus, passing, played so wondrous well<br/></span>
<span class="i0">That all the flames about him flickered, fell,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And left the wretch in peace to hear once more<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The power of sound he staked his spirit for.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Black Discord in her den of hideous noise<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Grew sudden silent, and her breast with joys<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Filled, as the gentle tremblings of the lute<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Found subtle ways to reach her.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i10">Resolute<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Strode Orpheus on his path, and to the right<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Stood Sisyphus, the stone just at the height<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Of the great mountain, ready to roll again<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Into the vale beneath, but that sweet strain<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Held it in place so long as it could reach<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The spot it rested on—and to beseech<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Eternal playing, Sisyphus held high<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Tired arms to Jove as Orpheus passed him by;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">There to the left Ixion ceased to feel<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The endless revolutions of the wheel<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Over the flaming river, and the fangs<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Of serpents leave him as he, listless, hangs<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Listening to such sweet music.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_6" id="page_6"></SPAN>{6}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i10">Now the lake<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Whose tempting waters Tantalus forsake<br/></span>
<span class="i0">When his parched lips and maddened hands would take<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Of their cool touch relief, hears the new sound<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And Tantalus with surfeit is near drowned<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For this brief respite, and with hungry clutch<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Plucks tender fruits before he could not touch,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Eating in joyous wonder that Hell’s God<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Gave him such feasting for a period.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Now Orpheus passed the black, oblivious lair<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Of Sleep, a cave devoid of light or air,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Paved with strange shapes and horrid phantasies<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Inanimate and senseless, and they rise,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">As through the cave’s dark mouth the music sweet<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Fills to the inmost parts that foul retreat,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Crying for air to breathe and light to see<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The wondrous worker of such harmony.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Pluto’s high throne within the distance looms,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Built of the gold and marble of men’s tombs<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Upon a base of bones, and by its side<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Stood the pale throne of his beloved bride,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Persephone.—Behind her shadowy seat<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Shone one blue star and at its cloud-hid feet<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Glared the red oval of the waning moon<br/></span>
<span class="i0">That tells sage shepherds of a storm in June<br/></span>
<span class="i0">When flocks grow restless.—When the player came<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Nearer to that great place a sudden flame<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Shot from the silent air, and blazed as fierce<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_7" id="page_7"></SPAN>{7}</span><br/></span>
<span class="i0">As though a thousand lightning strokes would pierce<br/></span>
<span class="i0">In one vast sheet of overwhelming fire<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The daring mortal who would thus aspire<br/></span>
<span class="i0">To reach great Plato’s love-shrine;—in the blaze<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Millions of serpents writhe, but Orpheus plays<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Heedless of all, nor dares to cease lest he<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Lose the safe conduct of his minstrelsy.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Unharmed he passes through the floods of flame<br/></span>
<span class="i0">That would arrest his progress, and he came<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Unharmed beyond them.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i10">Lo! before his eyes<br/></span>
<span class="i0">A scene of wondrous beauty did arise;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Such as a poet sees when every sense<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Leaves its abode, and the intelligence<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Of soul usurps the functions of the mind,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">When unto every object he grows blind<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Seeing through all beyond.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i10">For Pluto’s throne<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Is more magnificent than Love might own<br/></span>
<span class="i0">In higher regions. Orpheus stood beneath<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The lowest step thereof; a flowery wreath<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Crowned his bright golden locks—the flowers<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Plucked from the dew-fed meadows and fair bowers<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Where he had wandered with his beauteous bride<br/></span>
<span class="i0">In happy love-quests, ere that eventide<br/></span>
<span class="i0">When he was wakened by the short, sharp cry<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Calling his name, and saw a snake glide by<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_8" id="page_8"></SPAN>{8}</span><br/></span>
<span class="i0">Into the thicket—when he saw the breast<br/></span>
<span class="i0">That oft had made his head a pillowy rest<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Marked with the fatal venom, which his lips,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Used to the honey that the love-bee sips,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Closed on in vain endeavor to remove<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The sentence of the gods on their sweet love—<br/></span>
<span class="i0">When his strong hands clutched madly the thin air<br/></span>
<span class="i0">As unto Jove he poured his soul’s deep prayer<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For pity—when, with all his blood turned lead,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">He looked and saw Eurydice was dead,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And when ’gainst all the gods he took that oath<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Sacred to her, Death’s awful bridal troth,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">That by the power of music’s magic spell<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Against their will he would go down to Hell<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And rescue his lost love. Whereat Jove laughed<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And said to Bacchus as they gaily quaffed<br/></span>
<span class="i0">In high carousal: “Let the fool take care,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Pluto can mind his own. Once in the lair<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Of Hades, e’en Apollo’s son must stay,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">No goats from that black fold can ever stray.”<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Thus Orpheus stood; but now no longer mute,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For to the rich-wrought tremblings of his lute<br/></span>
<span class="i0">He raised his rare-heard voice and stilled the word<br/></span>
<span class="i0">On Pluto’s lips, and then all Hades heard:—<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_9" id="page_9"></SPAN>{9}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i4">Persephone! Persephone!<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Give back my lost delight to me!<br/></span>
<span class="i0">By thy great love for thy great lord,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">By each sweet thought for him adored,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">By love that thrills and love that fills<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Thy heart as with a thousand rills<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Of joy, break down his frozen breast<br/></span>
<span class="i4">And lull his vengeful mood to rest,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Till mighty Pluto joyfully<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Shall, from his very love for thee,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Give back my soul’s delight to me—<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Eurydice! Eurydice!<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i4">Persephone! Persephone!<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Recall thy lord’s great love for thee,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">When in sweet Enna’s golden meads<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Thou heard’st that rustling of the reeds,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">And in thy hands the love-crushed flowers<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Were grasped with fear, as from earth’s bowers<br/></span>
<span class="i4">He strained thee to his mighty breast,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">And bore thee, senseless, to the West<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Beyond the opalescent sea<br/></span>
<span class="i0">That nightly sings its song of thee;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Give back my soul’s delight to me—<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Eurydice! Eurydice!<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_10" id="page_10"></SPAN>{10}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i4">Persephone! Persephone!<br/></span>
<span class="i0">I bring love’s garland unto thee:—<br/></span>
<span class="i0">She made it with her loving hands,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">She plaited it in golden bands,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">And placed it on my chosen brow<br/></span>
<span class="i4">When by my side she sat, as now<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Thou sittest by thy great lord’s side:<br/></span>
<span class="i4">That night no lover snatched his bride,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">But Death seized all remorselessly,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And took her soul beyond the sea;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And life became a memory—<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Eurydice! Eurydice!<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i4">Persephone! Persephone!<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Let this lute’s magic minstrelsy<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Find with love’s music, sweet and clear,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Thy heart-depths through each pearly ear:<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Behold! how when I strike one string<br/></span>
<span class="i4">The lone sound floats with cheerless ring;<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Behold! when double chords are driven,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">With harmony the air is riven;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">So Fate plays on our souls, and we<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Yield plaints of love or misery;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Give back my soul’s delight to me—<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Eurydice! Eurydice!<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_11" id="page_11"></SPAN>{11}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i4">Persephone! Persephone!<br/></span>
<span class="i0">By all the joy that lovers see<br/></span>
<span class="i0">When first they feel the hidden fire<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Burst forth in blaze of heart’s desire,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">By all the music lovers hear<br/></span>
<span class="i4">When language laps against the ear,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Like crystal waves on golden sands,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">By touch of lips and clasp of hands<br/></span>
<span class="i0">When long-zoned raiments are made free,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">By all love’s sweets that fell to thee;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Give back my soul’s delight to me—<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Eurydice! Eurydice!<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i4">Persephone! Persephone!<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Mark how thy lord yet frowns on me,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Behold the tightening of his lip—<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Kiss—kiss his mouth lest there may slip<br/></span>
<span class="i4">One word of doom to dash my hope;<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Bend down on him thine eyes and cope<br/></span>
<span class="i4">With love the gleams that in them shine,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">The while I summon to me, mine;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Break—break—by love and memory<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The bond of Hades, set me free<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Her soul, that is the soul of me—<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Eurydice! Eurydice!<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_12" id="page_12"></SPAN>{12}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i4">Persephone! Persephone!<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Clasp him so close he may not see;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Look deep into his soul with love<br/></span>
<span class="i0">That from thine eyes he shall not move<br/></span>
<span class="i4">His own;—ah! thus I gazed on her<br/></span>
<span class="i4">That night and heard no serpent stir,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">For love, once thralling all the mind,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Makes all the little senses blind;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">’Tis well! he drinks love’s alchemy!<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Where’er in Hades thou may’st be—<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Come back! my love! come back to me,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Eurydice! Eurydice!<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i4">Persephone! Persephone!<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Lull him with love that unto me<br/></span>
<span class="i0">No thought may leap with sudden ire,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And steal again my heart’s desire<br/></span>
<span class="i4">When she shall come. Ye Gods! that light!<br/></span>
<span class="i4">It shone when on that fatal night<br/></span>
<span class="i4">The dæmons took her from my side;—<br/></span>
<span class="i4">’Tis she! they bring her back! my bride!<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Let Pluto wake—let Jove decree—<br/></span>
<span class="i0">My self—my soul—come back to me<br/></span>
<span class="i0">My joy in life and death to be—<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Eurydice! Eurydice!<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_13" id="page_13"></SPAN>{13}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i4">Persephone! Persephone!<br/></span>
<span class="i0">A moment more and we are free;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">I feel the breath of outer air,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">I see the upper stars so fair,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">I hear the lapping of salt waves,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">I see the light of day that saves,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">I feel the pulsing heart-throbs run<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Through her fair limbs, I watch the sun<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Uprising in her eyes—and see!<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Its living light thrills into me;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">She has come back! come back to me—<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Eurydice! Eurydice!<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_14" id="page_14"></SPAN>{14}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The lord and lover of the year is slain,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Fair Summer! Nature’s joy and earth’s sweet pride.<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The wind mourns sadly as a mournful bride<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Loading the air with monodies of pain;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Down from the branches rustle, light as rain,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The rarely-coloured leaves; afar and wide<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Blight-stricken blossoms strew the country-side,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">No more to deck it with delight again;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The bright winged choristers that carolled round<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Sweet overflowings of supernal joy,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">No more their thrilling ecstasies employ<br/></span>
<span class="i0">To glad man’s soul with music’s purest sound;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Summer lies dead upon the lap of earth,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Pale melancholy weeps where late laughed mirth.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_15" id="page_15"></SPAN>{15}</span></p>
<h2><SPAN name="AUTUMN" id="AUTUMN"></SPAN>AUTUMN.</h2>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">When Autumn, like a prophet filled with fears,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Warns Summer’s golden beauty of that death<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Which soon the chilling blast of Winter’s breath<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Shall bring; fond Nature by her falling tears<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Attests her grief unchanged through all the years,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And from the blossoms that lie dead beneath<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Seizing the unseen colours, weaves a wreath,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And lo! a garland on each tree appears.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">So, when to thee life’s end is drawing near<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And weeping kinsmen kneel about thy bed<br/></span>
<span class="i2">May all the rays of goodness thou hast shed<br/></span>
<span class="i0">From out the buried past shine bright and clear,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And golden deeds and thoughts of heavenly hues<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Over thy fading mind soft light diffuse.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_16" id="page_16"></SPAN>{16}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Blithe is the lark when first the morning breaks,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And from his nest up-circling through the air<br/></span>
<span class="i2">He leaves below a world of shadowy care,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And off his wings the dew of darkness shakes;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For those high lakes of blue he gladly makes,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">With song that overfloweth everywhere<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Like the sweet grace that falleth after prayer<br/></span>
<span class="i0">To one who from sin’s sleep at last awakes.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Poets have sung thy praises;—but thy song<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Is far above all sound of poet’s voice,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Though listening to thy notes he may rejoice,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And wonder if some raptured angel-throng<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Pause in their service as thou soarest near,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And to thy music lend entrancèd ear.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_17" id="page_17"></SPAN>{17}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">I did not ask thy love nor tell mine own<br/></span>
<span class="i2">When others sought thee in thy sovereign days,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">For my sad heart, beholding the bright blaze<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Of thy great beauty, seemed to turn to stone,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And on my lips that now have bolder grown,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">No word would form to utter thy high praise;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">So stricken was I in love’s conquering ways<br/></span>
<span class="i0">That my poor soul consumed its love alone.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Vindictive time now veils thy queen-like charms<br/></span>
<span class="i2">To thy old champions, and they quickly leave,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">As grim misfortune comes to cross their arms<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And pluck thy colours from each coward sleeve,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">All fly the tilt-yard. Now to Fate’s alarms<br/></span>
<span class="i2">I fling my gage at last. Wilt thou believe?<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_18" id="page_18"></SPAN>{18}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">High clamour of rooks o’er a meadow of clover<br/></span>
<span class="i2">That make for their haunts at the break of the day;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Low babble of brooks where the rain-spotted plover<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Paddles at noon through the sand-banks grey;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Gold-banded bees on their murmuring way<br/></span>
<span class="i0">To the honey-filled blossoms that yield their sweet—<br/></span>
<span class="i2">These are the visions that round us play<br/></span>
<span class="i0">As we steer through the turbulent throng of the street.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Slow pacing of herds and the song of the drover;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">A score of clean sails in a Kentish bay,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With a glimpse of the castle and cliffs of Dover,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And the girdle of sea that shall gleam alway;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Far off in the fields where they make the hay<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Darby and Dorothy manage to meet,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And kiss for a moment—alack-a-day!<br/></span>
<span class="i0">As we steer through the turbulent throng of the street.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_19" id="page_19"></SPAN>{19}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Across the wide world Love is ever a rover,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">In palace or cot not content to stay.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Soon the pastoral play of our youth is over<br/></span>
<span class="i2">With its spangles of hope and its fine array.<br/></span>
<span class="i2">June stifles the flowers that are born in May,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And their beauties the autumn shall not repeat;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Our fancies the Fates try to strangle and slay—<br/></span>
<span class="i0">As we steer through the turbulent throng of the street.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Let us heed not the passers or what they say,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">While Love in our hearts finds a safe retreat,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For souls can reach Heaven, though feet may stray<br/></span>
<span class="i2">As they steer through the turbulent throng of the street.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_20" id="page_20"></SPAN>{20}</span></p>
<h2><SPAN name="THE_BLUSH" id="THE_BLUSH"></SPAN>THE BLUSH.</h2>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Within my heart there fell a hush,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">I thought my very soul had died,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">When first I saw my lady blush<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And own the love she strove to hide.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">I thought my very soul had died<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Before affection bade her speak,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And own the love she strove to hide<br/></span>
<span class="i2">With silent ways and manners meek.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Before affection bade her speak,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">I watched her as she used to go<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With silent ways and manners meek,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Whilst I with love was all aglow.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">I watched her as she used to go<br/></span>
<span class="i2">To gather simple blossoms fair,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Whilst I with love was all aglow<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Yet dared not lay my passion bare.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">To gather simple blossoms fair<br/></span>
<span class="i2">I often went—to give to her,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Yet dared not lay my passion bare<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Though all my soul with love did stir.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">I often went to give to her<br/></span>
<span class="i2">My life if she would deign to take,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Though all my soul with love did stir<br/></span>
<span class="i2">My lips their silence dared not break.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_21" id="page_21"></SPAN>{21}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">My life if she would deign to take<br/></span>
<span class="i2">’Twas her’s, not mine—yet strange to tell<br/></span>
<span class="i0">My lips their silence dared not break,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Ere she had learned love’s sacred spell.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">’Twas her’s, not mine—yet strange to tell<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Moons waxed and waned and years flew by,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Ere she had learned love’s sacred spell<br/></span>
<span class="i2">By touch of hand and glance of eye.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Moons waxed and waned and years flew by,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">I thought she loved, alas! not me;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">By touch of hand and glance of eye<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The truth was told—ah! ecstasy!<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">I thought she loved, alas! not me—<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Within my heart there fell a hush,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The truth was told ah! ecstasy!<br/></span>
<span class="i2">When first I saw my lady blush.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_22" id="page_22"></SPAN>{22}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">First find your refrain—then build as you go<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With delicate touch, neither heavy nor slow,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">But dainty and light as a gossamer thread,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Or the fleecy white cloud that is breaking o’erhead,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Or the sea-foam that curls in the soft evening glow;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And your rhyme must be swinging—not all in a row,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">But as waves on the sands in fine ebb and quick flow;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Yet of rules for a rondeau I hold this the head—<br/></span>
<span class="i10">First find your refrain.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">For the subject—there’s nothing above or below,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">That a poet can learn or a critic may know,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">But a rondeau will hold a rhyme-ring that will wed<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The thought to the thing; yet whatever is said<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Will ne’er be a rondeau till you with one blow—<br/></span>
<span class="i10">First find your refrain.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_23" id="page_23"></SPAN>{23}</span></p>
<h2><SPAN name="WINTER" id="WINTER"></SPAN>WINTER.</h2>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Winter’s blast is coldly sweeping<br/></span>
<span class="i2">O’er the pallid face of earth;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">All the merry elves are sleeping,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Wearied out with last year’s mirth;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Dismal spirits doomed to wander,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Never resting anywhere,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Chase the sparkling crystals yonder<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Through the chill and cheerless air;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Where the birds sang in the branches<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Not a sound is heard at all;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Snowy flakes in avalanches<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Flutter down with silent fall;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Where the grasses nursed the flowers<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Not a sign of life is seen<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And the frost has turned the showers<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Into sheets of icy sheen;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">All the air is sadly sighing,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">All the trees with sorrows ring;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">All is dying—dying—dying<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Winter—go! come back, O Spring.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_24" id="page_24"></SPAN>{24}</span></p>
<h2><SPAN name="PURPOSE" id="PURPOSE"></SPAN>PURPOSE.</h2>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Brother! awake from thy long lethargy;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Walk forth into the world, search out the task<br/></span>
<span class="i2">That is allotted thee; tear off the mask<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Of morbid thought that ever blindeth thee.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">God hath appointed each good man to be<br/></span>
<span class="i2">His warrior in the righteous fray; then ask<br/></span>
<span class="i2">His benison, and, donning sword and casque,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">March forth to meet the common enemy.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Each good deed done shall be a death-blow given<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Unto a sin conceived; each true word said<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Shall be a javelin that hath not sped<br/></span>
<span class="i0">In vain—its force doth come direct from Heaven.<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Waste not the time; man’s inmost spirit saith<br/></span>
<span class="i0">“Life without purpose is a lingering death.”<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_25" id="page_25"></SPAN>{25}</span><br/></span></div>
<h2><SPAN name="SONNET" id="SONNET"></SPAN>SONNET.</h2>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Year after year I see the trees unfold<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Their baby leaves to the maturing sun;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Then tender birth of blossoms, one by one,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">From parent stems that still their nurture hold;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Later the tall green corn takes on its gold,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Crowned with the glory of a purpose done;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And last, the sands of beauty being run,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">All things decline into the common mould.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Age after age whirls on the appointed round<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Of mortal destiny; old thoughts take bloom;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And new minds battle in the time-worn strife,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Death’s winter nips before the task is crowned,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And, soon or late, within oblivion’s tomb<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Men fall like leaves from God’s great tree of life.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_26" id="page_26"></SPAN>{26}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">On thy grassy altar, dear,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Pour I out the two-year wine,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And the incense rises clear<br/></span>
<span class="i4">From thy holy shrine.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Lend me Venus, both thine ears;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Let me whisper unto thee<br/></span>
<span class="i0">All the hopes and all the fears<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Raging now in me.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">He whom I have loved so well—<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For whose love my soul hath burned,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Yields to Chloe’s fatal spell<br/></span>
<span class="i4">And my vows hath spurned.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">On her beauty now his eyes<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Beam as once they beamed on mine—<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Broken are the solemn ties<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Made beneath the vine.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">It cannot be that he is born<br/></span>
<span class="i0">All my joy to turn to grief,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For if he do prove forsworn—<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Death is my relief.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Mother Venus, look with smiles,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Lest I lose this joy of love:<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Lend me all thy wit and wiles<br/></span>
<span class="i4">His cold heart to move.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Bless this philtre I prepare<br/></span>
<span class="i0">From the swift and sweet vervain;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Mother Venus, hear my prayer—<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Lead him back again!<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_27" id="page_27"></SPAN>{27}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The length of each day to make short<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And friendship to bind by a chain,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Our Queen was appointed to reign<br/></span>
<span class="i0">In the realm of a leafy resort.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Strong laws did her ruling support<br/></span>
<span class="i2">If need were her wish to maintain;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Though none could Love’s presence profane<br/></span>
<span class="i0">When Philomel governed the court.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">How fine did our gallants disport<br/></span>
<span class="i2">With ladies who followed the train,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Whilst wisdom enlightened each brain<br/></span>
<span class="i0">In the wit of each ready retort.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Ah! those were the days of fair sport<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The world ne’er will witness again,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">For Honour her rights did retain<br/></span>
<span class="i0">When Philomel governed the Court.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">What stories our souls did transport<br/></span>
<span class="i2">O’er the beauties of Fancy’s domain,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And their morals and meanings were plain,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Though your critics now try to distort.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">When Beauty and Truth do consort,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Hypocrisy preacheth in vain,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And Scandal and Slander were slain<br/></span>
<span class="i0">When Philomel governed the Court.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Ye moderns, who fight, might and main,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">For Mammon, believe this report,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Men lived in their castles in Spain<br/></span>
<span class="i2">When Philomel governed the Court.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_28" id="page_28"></SPAN>{28}</span></p>
<h2><SPAN name="RELEASE" id="RELEASE"></SPAN>RELEASE.</h2>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">He fears to die who knows not how to live,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">For Death is friendly, shaping to an end<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The woeful accidents which fate doth blend<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With high success, to fairer fortunes give;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Who for this close would ask alternative<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Unto a further lease of earth to lend<br/></span>
<span class="i2">His soul, and clip the wings that would ascend<br/></span>
<span class="i0">To God, the source of life infinitive?<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Look at the parable of things—the sun<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Must some day out—the fairest blossoms die—<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Sweet-throated songsters cease their minstrelsy—<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And Nature endeth all she hath begun.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">So fear ye not to meet the great release,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For direst storms dissolve in lasting peace.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_29" id="page_29"></SPAN>{29}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">When early shades of evening’s close<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The air with solemn darkness fill,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Before the moonlight softly throws<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Its fairy mantle o’er the hill,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">A sad sound goes<br/></span>
<span class="i4">In plaintive thrill;<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Who hears it knows<br/></span>
<span class="i4">The Whip-poor-will.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The Nightingale unto the rose<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Its tale of love may fondly trill;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">No love-tale this—’tis grief that flows<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With pain that never can be still,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">The sad sound goes<br/></span>
<span class="i4">In plaintive thrill;<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Who hears it knows<br/></span>
<span class="i4">The Whip-poor-will.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Repeated oft, it never grows<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Familiar; but is sadder still,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">As though a spirit sought repose<br/></span>
<span class="i0">From some pursuing, endless ill,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">The sad sound goes<br/></span>
<span class="i4">In plaintive thrill;<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Who hears it knows<br/></span>
<span class="i4">The Whip-poor-will.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_30" id="page_30"></SPAN>{30}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Weep, England, weep! if thou hast tears to shed—<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Thy master-son of song has passed away;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The Arthur of thy poets far has sped,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">As the long-toiling light fades out of day<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Into an unseen land; no later lay,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">To cheer thy heart and make thy soul more strong,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Shall sound within thy walls of sea-girt gray,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">From the rare voice of him who gave so long<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The noblest numbers of new English song.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Around the world the echoes of that song<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Swiftly rebound, all English hearts to fill,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And o’er each peak of empire speed along<br/></span>
<span class="i0">In roseate splendour, as the sudden thrill<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Of sunrise tips with beauty each new hill;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">From east and west the glory of his fame<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Rolls back to Albion’s shores, and ever will—<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For east and west can show no poet’s name<br/></span>
<span class="i0">More true and pure, more free from blot and shame.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_31" id="page_31"></SPAN>{31}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">He died in dear old England—in the land<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Where Chaucer first sang tales of jovial cheer;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Where Spenser chanted forth his pæans grand,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And Shakespeare left a word supreme and clear;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Where Milton bade the epic reappear,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And Wordsworth, later, gained a deathless name;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With these great five, this memorable year<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Has yielded Tennyson, for future fame<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The sixth true English poet to acclaim.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The moon streamed through the lattice where he lay,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">In that last struggle of the living powers,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And round his brow her glory ’gan to play,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">As when he wooed her in sweet English bowers,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">’Midst silent birds and open-hearted flowers,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Till scenes of old-time beauty through his brain<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Before him passed; thus kindly death endowers<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The last sad moments, lulling them from pain,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And memory brings her sweetest stores again.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_32" id="page_32"></SPAN>{32}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The sonnet is a diamond flashing round<br/></span>
<span class="i2">From every facet true rare colored lights;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">A gem of thought carved in poetic nights<br/></span>
<span class="i0">To grace the brow of art by fancy crowned;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">A miniature of soul wherein are found<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Marvels of beauty and resplendent sights;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">A drop of blood with which a lover writes<br/></span>
<span class="i0">His heart’s sad epitaph in its own bound;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">A pearl gained from dark waters when the deep<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Rocked in its frenzied passion; the last note<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Heard from a heaven-saluting skylark’s throat;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">A cascade small flung in a canyon steep<br/></span>
<span class="i2">With crystal music. At this shrine of song<br/></span>
<span class="i2">High priests of poesy have worshipped long.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_33" id="page_33"></SPAN>{33}</span></p>
<h2><SPAN name="THE_POET" id="THE_POET"></SPAN>THE POET.</h2>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Men call him mad because he weaves<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The glory of the golden corn<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And paints the beauty of the sheaves<br/></span>
<span class="i2">They gather night and morn.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">They laugh when he in rhapsody,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">With eye uplift and soul serene,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Translates the wonders of the sky<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Which they have dimly seen.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Or if he pluck a wayside flower<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And tell them of its beauty rare,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">They smile, not knowing God’s great power<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Is manifested there.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Or if when tempests rule the sky<br/></span>
<span class="i2">He walk and talk with wind and rain,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">They call his soul’s great ecstacy<br/></span>
<span class="i2">A sickness of the brain.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">He walks unrecognized of men,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">For sense may not discern the soul;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The morrow’s wonders of his pen<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Their sympathies control.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_34" id="page_34"></SPAN>{34}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Along the battle-field of life,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Content to lose if others gain,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">He lifts no finger in the strife,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Yet feels its bitter pain.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">He wanders through the crowded street,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Or lingers by the country side,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For all things good his heart doth beat<br/></span>
<span class="i2">With love that is world-wide.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The troubles of his fellow men<br/></span>
<span class="i2">He shrines with pity in heart,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And prays the time to hasten when<br/></span>
<span class="i2">All sorrow shall depart.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">And when the kindly voice of Death<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Proclaims life’s journey duly trod,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">He blesses all with parting breath<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And leaves the rest to God.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_35" id="page_35"></SPAN>{35}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Vine tendrils drooping in the mid-day sun<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Take me to Greece, ere Sappho sang those lays,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Whose echoes, falling down this length of days,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Trance us with beauty, sweet and halcyon;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Satyrs, green-garlanded, skip madly on<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Through woody wilds, loud shouts of ribald praise<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Mingle with merry laughter, and amaze<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The peaceful shepherds, who, affrighted, run;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Fair dryads swell the riot-filling song<br/></span>
<span class="i2">From every tree trunk, and from each pure spring<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Sweet naiad voices rise with silvery ring<br/></span>
<span class="i0">To welcome him who leads the dancing throng,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Old Bacchus! reeling ’neath the weight of wine,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Chanting a stave, half drunken, half divine.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_36" id="page_36"></SPAN>{36}</span></p>
<h2><SPAN name="LOVE-LAND" id="LOVE-LAND"></SPAN>LOVE-LAND.</h2>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Ah! Jenny! though life is not over,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Yet the sweetness of living is past;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">No longer we walk through the clover<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And watch the white clouds sailing fast;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For a darkness has newly arisen<br/></span>
<span class="i2">To spread and to spoil our fair sky,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">All our days must be spent in a prison<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And the black cloud shall never pass by.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Ah! Jenny! though bright the scales glitter,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">In the midst of the coil lurks a fang,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The fruit of the almond is bitter<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Though the blossoms are fair while they hang;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The rose has a canker within it,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And some day the lark will not sing,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The year that flew by as a minute<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Shall bear heavy on Love’s broken wing.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Ah! Jenny! our play-book lies broken<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Behind us;—before is the page<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Hermetic;—and so for a token<br/></span>
<span class="i2">To charm away grief in our age<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Remember the words of Creation,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Our “Let there be Love,” when Love’s fire<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Through our lips like a sacred libation<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Drenched our souls with the wine of desire.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_37" id="page_37"></SPAN>{37}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Ah! Jenny! we journeyed together<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Life’s road for a year and a day,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Bright summer has been all our weather,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Fair blossoms have strewn all our way;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And shall we now part at the corner<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Of the cross-roads and meet nevermore,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Because the world leers like a scorner<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And mocks when we pass by its door?<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Ah! Jenny! the hand that I gave you<br/></span>
<span class="i2">That night when I promised to keep<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Your heart—lo! I stretch out to save you<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And to save my own soul from Hell’s deep;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Let the world say its worst;—we shall never<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Hear its voice or see aught of its gloom,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For in Love-land the birds sing forever<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And the roses are always in bloom.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_38" id="page_38"></SPAN>{38}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Sad and soft is the dirge on the Gallic shore<br/></span>
<span class="i2">By the mournful moan of the ocean made<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For the days and the deeds that are now no more<br/></span>
<span class="i2">’Ere the last of the Knights in his tomb was laid<br/></span>
<span class="i0">In the depth of an old cathedral’s shade;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Above are his casque, shield, banner and lance<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With the sword that had struck him the accolade;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">But dead are the legends and lillies of France.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Did he pine for the powder and polished floor,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Gay dances, bright glances of masquerade?<br/></span>
<span class="i0">When he parleyed of politics, was it not o’er<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The lightning-blue gleam of his Damascene blade?<br/></span>
<span class="i0">If he sang, was it not of an old Crusade?<br/></span>
<span class="i2">If he listened and laughed at a love romance,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Would he rather not look at a carronade?<br/></span>
<span class="i2">But dead are the legends and lilies of France.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">If his lady’s fair favour he sought to implore<br/></span>
<span class="i2">By a witty ballade or a sad serenade<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Did he write it? Not he, when a troubadour<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Was willing to sing all the day if paid<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_39" id="page_39"></SPAN>{39}</span><br/></span>
<span class="i0">In a bower of bloom or a vine arcade,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Or to sigh all night in the moonbeam’s dance,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">While he dreamed of rampart and escalade;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">But dead are the legends and lilies of France.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The Cathedral still stands with its fine façade;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Some old stones of the rampart remain by chance;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">There are diplomats, dances, and gasconade—<br/></span>
<span class="i2">But dead are the legends and lilies of France.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_40" id="page_40"></SPAN>{40}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">After the early spring’s dissolving powers<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Had eased the earth of winter’s icy weight,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">I went into the woods with soul elate<br/></span>
<span class="i0">To watch the coming of the first-born flowers;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Fair Flora soon began to build her bowers<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Of leaf and bloom in forms both small and great,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The trees put forth their canopies of state,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And from the ground sprang up between the hours<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Most beauteous blossoms in a glorious band<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Of perfect shapes and colors richly blent,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And all my soul was fill’d with glad content;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">But one pink hawthorn in a far-off land<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Sent all my thoughts like birds on eager wing<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Back to the beauty of Old England’s spring.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_41" id="page_41"></SPAN>{41}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">If I were King of some great land<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With lords and commons to command,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">My crown should be with justice bright<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Instead of jewels—and Love’s light<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Should be the sceptre in my hand.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">One law of virtue should be planned<br/></span>
<span class="i0">That all alike might understand<br/></span>
<span class="i4">The simple rule, that right is right—<br/></span>
<span class="i10">If I were King.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">One Church should stand in God’s own sight<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Where all who wished to worship, might,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Its ministers should be a band<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Of soldiers with a purpose grand<br/></span>
<span class="i0">To put all evil thoughts to flight,<br/></span>
<span class="i10">If I were King.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_42" id="page_42"></SPAN>{42}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Grey wind of the North! with thy burden so chill,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">(Oh! for the blast and the blowing,)<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Why flyest thou fast over river and rill,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Adown the deep valley and up the steep hill,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">(Alas! for the storms that are sowing.)<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Through gloom-spreading forest, bare meadow, bleak moor,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Above the sea-surges, along the sea shore,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">O! whither, grey wind, art thou going?<br/></span></div>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The corpse of my lover my arms do enfold,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">(Oh! for the roar and the rattle.)<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Whose beauty was rarer and fairer than gold,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Whose joys were bright jewels, unbought and unsold,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">(Alas! for the fear-stricken cattle.)<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And I chant in thine ear the sad dirge of the dead,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For the summer is slain and the winter so dread<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Is hasting to offer thee battle.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_43" id="page_43"></SPAN>{43}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Sere leaves of the autumn, resplendent and bright,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">(Oh! for the frost and the fading.)<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Why fall ye so thickly by day and by night,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With raining of color that dazzles the sight,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">(Alas! for the winter’s invading.)<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Till heaped on my bosom like relics of love<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Ye lie, sad remembrancers, sorrow to move<br/></span>
<span class="i4">My spirit with woe overlading.<br/></span></div>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">We thought to have woven a garment of grace,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">(Oh! for the moon and the veiling.)<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Embroidered with beauties bright fancy should trace,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">But, alas! we have gazed on his death-stricken face,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">(Alas! for the heavens are paling.)<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And the robe of our fancy is changed to a pall<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And the garlands that lately did crown him must fall;<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Love’s labor is all unavailing.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_44" id="page_44"></SPAN>{44}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Pale snow, with a touch that is light as the air,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">(Oh! for sky’s cloud and earth’s cover.)<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Why weighest thou down on my heart filled with care,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">On my soul with its anguish too heavy to bear.<br/></span>
<span class="i4">(Alas! for the end when ’tis over.)<br/></span>
<span class="i0">In thy mantle of gauze why hid’st thou mine eyes,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">That would look at fond love e’er forever love lies<br/></span>
<span class="i4">In the grave of my newly-slain lover.<br/></span></div>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">I cover thy face lest the sight of thy dead,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">(Oh! for love, sacred and splendid.)<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Should strike in thy soul its unnameable dread,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For sympathy now and forever is fled,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">(Alas! for lost love, undefended.)<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And I wrap up thy breast with the warmth of my heart,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Which shall stay till the spring breaks and bids me depart,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">When the time of thy mourning is ended.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_45" id="page_45"></SPAN>{45}</span></p>
<h2><SPAN name="ROSE" id="ROSE"></SPAN>ROSE.</h2>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Know you whence the roses came?<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Roses are the queen of flowers;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Rose is my beloved’s name.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">All my heart was set aflame<br/></span>
<span class="i2">As we walked through Cupid’s bowers;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Know you whence the roses came?<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Is it sweetness—is it shame—<br/></span>
<span class="i2">When the sunshine’s spoiled by showers?<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Rose is my beloved’s name.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Duty sits a stern old dame<br/></span>
<span class="i2">On a throne of ruined towers;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Know you whence the roses came?<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Youth must live and who shall blame<br/></span>
<span class="i2">If with love it pass the hours?<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Rose is my beloved’s name.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Life and love is all a game,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Shine and shadow—gleams and glowers—<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Know you whence the roses came?<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Rose is my beloved’s name.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_46" id="page_46"></SPAN>{46}</span></p>
<h2><SPAN name="A_SEA_DREAM" id="A_SEA_DREAM"></SPAN>A SEA DREAM.</h2>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">My spirit wandered by the ocean shore;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Proud argosies sailed out to Albion’s isle<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Deep-laden with a new world’s golden store,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The sun-kissed waves danced lightly, Nature’s smile<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Suffused o’er all the scene sweet loveliness awhile.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Light silver veils, like tender thoughts outspread<br/></span>
<span class="i2">When dreaming lovers taste supernal joy,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Floated around Heaven’s azure bridal bed<br/></span>
<span class="i2">In listless splendour; others did convoy<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Earth’s treasures o’er the deep that plotted to destroy.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">There rose as from the sea a strange mirage<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Out of the past; the clouds like floating drapes<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Each moment changed, and ocean’s long rivage<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Was wreathed by magic in a thousand shapes,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Now gemmed with flashing isles, now girt with solemn capes.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">And all the cities that have loved the sea<br/></span>
<span class="i2">To their destruction, passed along the sky,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And I beheld them, as the drowning see,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">In that last moment when they sink to die,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">All life’s forgotten scenes unrolled by memory.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_47" id="page_47"></SPAN>{47}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Time-honoured Greece, whose fingers clutched the wave<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And clasped it to a heart that beats no more,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Sank with her wisdom in a silent grave,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Leaving her sons a splendour to deplore<br/></span>
<span class="i2">While moans the tideless sea around each classic shore.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Rich Carthage, whose swift keels swam round the world,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Phœnicia’s loveliest daughter. Her fair hand<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Was fought for by the nations; Fate hath hurled,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Her and her glory from their sea-throne grand,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Buried like some old palm beneath the burning sand.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Great Venice stood amid the nuptials gay<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Blessing as bride the fair but fickle sea;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">But all her pride and pomp have passed away,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Dukes, doge, ships, senate, riches, sovereignty,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">That once compelled the world to fall on bended knee.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Imperial Rome, set like a lustrous gem<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Within seven guardian jewels! Tyrant Time<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Stole from her thoughtful brow its diadem<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And the three wreaths that crowned her all-sublime,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Stained though their golden leaves with many a bloody crime.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_48" id="page_48"></SPAN>{48}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Proud Spain! once mistress of the sea, before<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The fool Ambition led her ships in vain<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Against the bulwarks of old England’s shore,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">When God smote down her pride upon the main<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And sank her power so low, it never rose again.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Then fell a mist before my wondering sight<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Over the past, and slowly there arose<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Our blessèd Britain in her glorious might,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The awe and admiration of her foes,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Whose land of liberty protecting seas enclose.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The diamond of nations, set in gold,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Flashing with truth that sparkles o’er the earth,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Compared to her what empery of old<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Hath wrought for suffering man such deeds of worth,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Or filled with living light dark lands of ageless dearth?<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_49" id="page_49"></SPAN>{49}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">To King Banalin’s court there came<br/></span>
<span class="i2">From divers lands beyond the sea<br/></span>
<span class="i0">A score of knights, with hearts aflame<br/></span>
<span class="i2">With love for lady Ursalie,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Whose wondrous beauty and fair fame<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Were sung by Europe’s minstrelsy.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Each lord in retinue did bring<br/></span>
<span class="i2">A noble and a princely band,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Whose deeds the troubadours did sing<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Through length and breadth of Christian land,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And each by turn besought the King<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The favour of his daughter’s hand.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">But spake the King to each brave lord,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">“When first the sun shall shine in May<br/></span>
<span class="i0">A tourney in the palace-yard<br/></span>
<span class="i2">We do appoint, and on that day<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Who holds his own with spear and sword<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Shall take our daughter fair away.”<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_50" id="page_50"></SPAN>{50}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Whereat the Lady Ursalie<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Blanched as a lily of the vale,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For many moons had waned since she<br/></span>
<span class="i2">First pledged her love to Sir Verale,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And for that sick to death was he<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Her trembling lips turned ashen pale.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The heavy scent of musk and myrrh<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Hung all about the inner room,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Dim taper lights did faintly stir<br/></span>
<span class="i2">To life the arras through the gloom,—<br/></span>
<span class="i0">She bade her handmaid bring to her<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The treasure-box that held her doom.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">With lightest touch a secret spring<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Upraised the silver casket’s lid;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">She took therefrom a golden ring,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">A broken coin, a heart hair-thrid,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And many a sweet and precious thing<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Wherein her plighted troth was hid.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">“Then welcome death, if death it prove,”<br/></span>
<span class="i2">She said and kissed with lips still pale<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Each sweet remembrance of his love;—<br/></span>
<span class="i2">“I will not fail thee, Sir Verale,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Though from thy couch thou canst not move<br/></span>
<span class="i2">To don for me thy coat of mail.”<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_51" id="page_51"></SPAN>{51}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Unto the chapel straight she went<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And knelt before the altar-stone;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Her face within her hands she bent<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Praying with many a tear and moan<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Until the day was well-nigh spent,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">When came a beadsman she had known;<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">“O! Father! join thy prayer with mine<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The life of Sir Verale to save;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">O! plead then at our Lady’s shrine<br/></span>
<span class="i2">For health to one so young and brave.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For I will wed, with help divine,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">No other lord this side the grave.”<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The holy friar knelt him there<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And crossed him, and began to tell<br/></span>
<span class="i0">His beads, each counted for a prayer,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Until the sound of vesper-bell<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Stole through the darkling twilight air<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And warned them of the day’s farewell.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Each day at morn and noon and night<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Her trusted handmaid she did send<br/></span>
<span class="i0">To learn if her belovèd knight<br/></span>
<span class="i2">In life’s estate was like to mend,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And on the eve of April’s flight<br/></span>
<span class="i2">This message came her heart to rend.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_52" id="page_52"></SPAN>{52}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">“Tell thou my lady fair,” he said,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">To her who bore the answer back,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">“To-morrow will I leave this bed<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And wear my suit of armour black;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">To-morrow will I win and wed<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Or lose both love and life, alack.”<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The Lady Ursalie knew well<br/></span>
<span class="i2">He could not rise, so ill he was,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And shuddered as her maid did tell<br/></span>
<span class="i2">His dying state, then forth did pass<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Unto the chapel, as the bell<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Proclaimed the holy evening mass.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The morrow broke with golden rush<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And chased the gloom of night away;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The pipe of blackbird, song of thrush,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Rose with the skylark’s roundelay,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The wild flowers started with a blush<br/></span>
<span class="i2">To meet the first bright morn of May.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The palace-yard was all prepared;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Bright-hued pavilions stood around,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The banners waved, the armour glared,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The eager steeds tore up the ground,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And twenty princes who had dared<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The tourney in the lists were found.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_53" id="page_53"></SPAN>{53}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The King and Queen on daïsed throne<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Received each knight on bended knee;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">But like an image carved in stone<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Sat lovely Lady Ursalie<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And none who saw her would have known<br/></span>
<span class="i2">For her the tourney was to be.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">But one there knelt in sable mail<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Of whom the King in accents rude,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Did ask his name, and why this bale<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Of armour black, he did intrude;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">He answered: “I am Sir Verale,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Long months thy daughter have I wooed.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">And by this sable suit I wear,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">This sterling blade of Spanish steel,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">This iron shield and trusty spear,—<br/></span>
<span class="i2">But chiefly by the love I feel,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">I ask to wife thy daughter fair<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And that, proud King, is why I kneel.”<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">When Lady Ursalie that voice<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Did hear, her heart beat high with fears,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Her troubled soul did half rejoice<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And memory filled her eyes with tears;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">But as she smiled upon her choice<br/></span>
<span class="i2">There fell a clash of shields and spears.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_54" id="page_54"></SPAN>{54}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Knight after knight was overthrown,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Some ready for the bier and shroud,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">At last the black knight stood alone—<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And in the air applause rang loud<br/></span>
<span class="i0">As proudly strode he to the throne<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Pursued by all the noble crowd.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Then cried the King: “Right nobly won,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Most puissant, worthy Sir Verale,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">I would the words were well undone<br/></span>
<span class="i2">That erst in anger I did rail.”<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The knight replied, “Words injure none,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And after-grief doth not avail.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">And now, O King, thou soon shalt wis<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Thy daughter is forever mine,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And when thy loving liegemen miss<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Both thee and all thou callest thine,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">They shall recall the Black Knight’s kiss<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And know that love hath power divine.”<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Then at the Lady Ursalie<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The Black Knight looked and she arose.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">But what strange visage she did see<br/></span>
<span class="i2">That his raised vizor did disclose—<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Is still an awful mystery<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Which only that dead lady knows.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_55" id="page_55"></SPAN>{55}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">For when her eyes of lustre rare<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Gazed there, where none could see a face,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">A flash of lightning rent the air;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And, passing in a moment’s space,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The Black Knight was no longer there<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And of his steed there was no trace.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">All looked at Lady Ursalie,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Who blushed with love like any bride:<br/></span>
<span class="i0">“No power can take my soul from thee,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">I come, I come,” she faintly cried,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And swooned in arms held hastily<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And smiling closed her eyes and died.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">But who the Black Knight was none knew,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Though one said who had second sight,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">He watched a raven as it flew<br/></span>
<span class="i2">In circles slow and did alight<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Upon the tourney ground and grew<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Into a sable horse and knight.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">By some, it is believed and said,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">That Sir Verale gave one deep sigh<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And turned himself on his sick bed<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And muttered a low welcome cry,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And ere the watchers knew, was dead,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">As his dear lady’s soul passed by.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_56" id="page_56"></SPAN>{56}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">As each small ripple of the mighty sea<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Reflects a tiny image of the sun<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Until in radiance joining one by one,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">They do present a path of brilliancy;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">In this broad stripe of gold that comes to me<br/></span>
<span class="i0">From the horizon, as though God had spun<br/></span>
<span class="i0">A thread of golden thought for me alone,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Out of His universal mystery—<br/></span>
<span class="i0">So from the mirror of each human soul<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Shall flash the radiance of God’s great love<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Which ever shineth on us from above<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Until Love’s splendour lighteth up life’s whole,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And man shall look on man, and soul through soul behold<br/></span>
<span class="i0">One flaming line of Truth, God’s pure and shining gold.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_57" id="page_57"></SPAN>{57}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Love is to life as perfume to the rose,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">A sweet unseen enjoyment that doth lend<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Rapture to beauty—so doth Nature send<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The harmony of happiness that flows<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Half-way between hot Passion’s leaps and throes<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And Apathy, where worn-out feelings end,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Throughout the universe, there doth attend<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Upon all active ordering, repose.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">O Thou! the fair embodiment of good,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Who first within me struck the chord of Love,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Necessity of Life! in thee doth move<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The pure quintessence of pure womanhood,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Without thy love my life would be as bare<br/></span>
<span class="i0">As fairest rose without its perfume rare.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_58" id="page_58"></SPAN>{58}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The Saxons fought hard in the fatal fray,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">O! sing of the battle on Hasting’s shore,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">When the arrows of Normandy won the day.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Flushed by debauch at the break of day,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Their keen-edged axes athirst for gore,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The Saxons fought hard in the fatal fray.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Proud soldiers fell down on their knees to pray,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Lord! yield us the victory, we implore;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">When the arrows of Normandy won the day.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">King Harold, whose heart never felt dismay,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Spake loud of the deeds they had done before;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The Saxons fought hard in the fatal fray.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Taillefer the jongleur, sang well his lay<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And laughed as he flung up the lance he bore,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">When the arrows of Normandy won the day.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Duke William in England proclaimed his sway;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">King Harold lay dead; the battle was o’er;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The Saxons fought hard in the fatal fray,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">But the arrows of Normandy won the day.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_59" id="page_59"></SPAN>{59}</span></p>
<h2><SPAN name="SHELLEY" id="SHELLEY"></SPAN>SHELLEY.</h2>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">A bird of song, far soaring to its home,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Over the sea-waves cleaves with tireless wing<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The cloudless blue; but, swiftly gathering,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">A storm breaks up the crystal into foam<br/></span>
<span class="i0">That dashes mountain-high ’gainst Heaven’s dome<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Now darkened. Down the aerial harpies fling<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The sweet-voiced minstrel and sad surges sing<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The dirge of death with sorrow burdensome.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">O Heart of Hearts! high-beating o’er the world<br/></span>
<span class="i0">From whom fell sweetest song that unto man<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Told love and life, since life and love began;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Like some lone bird thou wert by Nature hurled<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Into the restless jaws of death’s devouring sea<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With still a Song of Songs to bear thee company.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_60" id="page_60"></SPAN>{60}</span></p>
<h2><SPAN name="MORNING" id="MORNING"></SPAN>MORNING.</h2>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The gray of dawn peeps up behind night’s folds,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">While darkling clouds yet dim the distant sky;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Long miles of mist disperse along the wolds,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And from the dewy boughs the songsters fly.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The feathered minstrels of the opening day,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Refreshed by long and undisturbed repose,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Arrange the plumes that night has turned astray,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And all their ruffled beauties now disclose.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The late, lone bat, like some lost refugee,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Seeks dark security from pressing morn,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And scatters, as it hides in hollow tree,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Bright butterflies that soon the scene adorn.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The busy ants from their great hills descend<br/></span>
<span class="i2">In careful haste, and cross the grassy plain,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Saluting silently each passing friend,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">But disregarding strangers with disdain.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_61" id="page_61"></SPAN>{61}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The lumbering beetle, lazy and begrimed,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">With laggard steps begins the dreary day,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">After the toiling snail hath long beslimed<br/></span>
<span class="i2">His burdened march upon the open way.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Along its silken threads the spider walks,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And shakes the hanging dew-drop to the ground;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">No chance entanglement his duty balks,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">As patiently he treads each subtle round.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Forth from the little door of his domain<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The gentle bee, armed with industrious powers,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Seeks treasure-trove, and soon returns again,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Weighed with the honey of a hundred flowers.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Within the wood the dove begins to coo,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Telling, with swelling breast, his gentler mate<br/></span>
<span class="i0">How he has sought her presence but to sue,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And all day long her love will supplicate.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Out of the root-roofed archway of yon beech,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The natural portal of his spacious cell,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The nut-brown squirrel doth his neck far reach,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">To spy if all is safe within the dell.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_62" id="page_62"></SPAN>{62}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The marigolds unfold their yellow heads,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">That vie in colour with the saffron sun;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The violets stretch within their scented beds,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And raise their beauteous faces, one by one.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Along the meadow land the daisies pied<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Proclaim their presence to the pearl-laid grass;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The morning-glories, in their prudish pride,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Ope wide their eyes, to gaze in nature’s glass.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">And whilst within the parsonage dull sleep<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Still holds the inmates with mesmeric power,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The martins one unending circle keep,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">In morning service round the old church tower.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The robin, rosy from his early bath,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">With quaint conceit, which unto him belongs,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Hops, uninvited, down the garden path<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And breaks the silence with his tuneless songs.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Whereat the watch-dog rousing from his sloth,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Chases the bold invader far away,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And, careless though the chanticleer be wroth,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">With joyful bark proclaims the break of day.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_63" id="page_63"></SPAN>{63}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">As little streams that start to find the sea<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Proclaim with babbling tongues their voyaging<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And with proud riot make the meadows ring,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Or fill the wild woods with much noisy glee,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">As of their course they tell each waving tree<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And wandering bird that chances near to wing;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">So shallow lovers in the world’s ear sing<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Their plaint of passion with vain minstrelsy.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">But vast as restless ocean’s deep expanse,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Superbly splendid, solemnly sublime,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Whose music beats upon the shore of time<br/></span>
<span class="i0">In rhythmic beauty, is my heart’s romance:<br/></span>
<span class="i0">But as no song can sound the mighty sea,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">My soul is silent in its love for thee.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_64" id="page_64"></SPAN>{64}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">White lilies languish on their graceful stems,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Red poppies laugh amid the growing corn;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Lilies at poppies look with lofty scorn<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And cherish dear their own chaste diadems;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Poppies at lilies scoff, their scarlet gems<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Blaze in the splendor of a life, love-born<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And love-begetting, and do most adorn<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Those whom love’s beauty unto death condemns.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Lay the white blossoms on the lowly bier<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Of her who passed away, so pure and young,—<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Fling the red passion-poisoned flowers among<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Her syren-sisters who live sinning here.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">O! star-souled lily! white for none to blame.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">O! blood-stained poppy! red with blush of shame.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_65" id="page_65"></SPAN>{65}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The poet sings in love-sick verse<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Plaints thy goblets soon disperse;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Pluck the willow from his head,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">’Twine the vine-leaf in its stead,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Fill the bowl with drink divine,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Give the wounded minstrel wine;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And the fool now fraught with pain,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Ne’er shall weep for love again.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">See! it scarcely stains his lips,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Yet to draughts have turned his sips.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Subtle raptures swiftly fill<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Every vein with fiery thrill;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Long before its rage is o’er<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Pants the reeling wretch for more;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Squeeze the grape, fill high the bowl,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Wine shall cheer the wounded soul.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Let the ruddy torrent flow,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Heal all wounded hearts below,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Freely let the red stream pour,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With its storm the blood shall roar;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Surges of mad ecstacy<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Shall embroil life’s phantasy;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Clouds of joy before the brain<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Dull the deeper sense of pain.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Love is great; but in life’s dream<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Wine alone shall reign supreme;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">To old Bacchus! drink and sing;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Cupid’s Victor! Pleasure’s King!<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_66" id="page_66"></SPAN>{66}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">I hear soft breathings in the gentle breeze,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Though whence or how they spring I cannot tell.<br/></span>
<span class="i2">They whisper on the hill and in the dell,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Along the streamlets and among the trees;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Like the sweet humming of a thousand bees<br/></span>
<span class="i2">In harmony, as if some magic spell<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Fashioned the dew to music as it fell,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Like merry mermaids, chanting ’neath the seas,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Or fairy chorus in a moon-lit grove,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Or band of nightingales, each to its rose<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Trilling of love when all things else repose.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Such sweet sounds haunt me wheresoe’er I rove<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Shaping themselves to words that sing to me,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">“Happy art thou of men, thy loved one loves but thee!”<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_67" id="page_67"></SPAN>{67}</span><br/></span></div>
<h2><SPAN name="WORK" id="WORK"></SPAN>WORK.</h2>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Work! use all thy will, give all thy might,<br/></span>
<span class="i3">Ply all thy strength,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Until the golden dawn of early light<br/></span>
<span class="i3">Shall change at length<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Into deep purple shades, soft, pure and bright,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">That bring glad tidings of the peaceful night.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Work! while the subtle seasons onward roll<br/></span>
<span class="i3">In certain course,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The ways of this frail world to help control;<br/></span>
<span class="i3">That keen remorse<br/></span>
<span class="i0">In life’s last moment—’ere thy deeds unroll<br/></span>
<span class="i0">May strike no sudden anguish to thy soul.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Work! taking lessons from the mighty Past,<br/></span>
<span class="i3">What men have done;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Yet let not those old masters hold thee fast,<br/></span>
<span class="i3">They have begun;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">What later souls must finish. They have cast<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The first stones at earth’s evil—not the last.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_68" id="page_68"></SPAN>{68}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Work! but seek not false Ambition’s flame<br/></span>
<span class="i3">To light thee on;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Not so the men of wisdom ever came<br/></span>
<span class="i3">In days long gone;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">No sordid dream,—no bare desire for Fame<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Has left on Memory’s lips one worthy name.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Work! in the hope of sowing seedlings great;<br/></span>
<span class="i3">Let others reap,—<br/></span>
<span class="i0">That, when stern Nature bids thy step abate,<br/></span>
<span class="i3">Thy body sleep,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Thy soul shall tremble not at Death’s dark gate,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">But calm and sure shall meet its After-Fate.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_69" id="page_69"></SPAN>{69}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Where blue-bells nod beneath the trees<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And violets scent the summer breeze<br/></span>
<span class="i0">I love to lie the whole day long<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And listen to the wild bird’s song,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">While bees hum in their harmonies.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Proud wealth can buy its days of ease,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">But not made up of hours like these;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">To none doth rank or fame belong<br/></span>
<span class="i3">Where blue-bells nod.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">In vain the arts may strive to please<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The sense with novel images;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For me, this sweet, cool fern among,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">All Nature’s right, all Art is wrong;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Ah! leave me with my birds and bees,<br/></span>
<span class="i3">Where blue-bells nod.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_70" id="page_70"></SPAN>{70}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Since thou hast come the world and I have parted,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Like chance-met friends whom love has never chained,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Away it spins, mad-brained and merry-hearted,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">While I count o’er what I have lost and gained.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">My losses are the breath of idle greeting,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The siren-song of pleasure, folly’s laugh,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Wealth’s patron smile, the pedant’s wit most fleeting,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And all that goes to make youth’s epitaph.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">My gain is thee, who hath removed my blindness,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Torn off the mask of sin, stript shame’s disguise,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Shown me man’s frailty, taught me gold’s unkindness,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And made a very heaven beneath the skies.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">So do I feel like one from dreams awaking<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Who laughs at night and all its foolish making.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_71" id="page_71"></SPAN>{71}</span></p>
<h2><SPAN name="TRIO" id="TRIO"></SPAN>TRIO.<br/><br/> <small>FOUNDED ON A WELL KNOWN PASSAGE OF DANTE.</small></h2>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i2">Do you remember, dear, the day we sat<br/></span>
<span class="i4">And read together from an old love-book<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Alone in that sweet, calm, sequestered nook<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Which Nature made for souls to marvel at?<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Beneath us stretched a soft and shining mat<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Of velvet verdure; leaves and blossoms shook<br/></span>
<span class="i4">As songsters all their melodies forsook<br/></span>
<span class="i2">To hear a legend from Love’s laureate<br/></span>
<span class="i2">We knew no fear, for there was no one by,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">The stream seemed in its ripple to repeat<br/></span>
<span class="i4">That tale of Lancelot, so sadly sweet,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Whom love enthralled in endless slavery.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Ah, me! there is no greater grief than when we feel<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The thought of happier days o’er present sorrows steal.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_72" id="page_72"></SPAN>{72}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i2">When from your lips the words fell on mine ear<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Full many a thought our souls together drew<br/></span>
<span class="i4">In sympathy, that with the story grew<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Still more intense, and oh! so wondrous near.<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Our eyes were dimmed by Love’s all-pitying tear<br/></span>
<span class="i4">And from our cheeks the blushing colour flew<br/></span>
<span class="i4">As if ashamed of its divulgent hue;—<br/></span>
<span class="i2">How well we understood the story, dear!<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The blue vault overhead bore not a cloud<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Upon its surface; on our sky of love<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Not e’en the shadow of a sigh did move,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Where now the soul-storm rages long and loud.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Ah, me! there is no greater grief than when we feel<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The thought of happier days o’er present sorrows steal.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_73" id="page_73"></SPAN>{73}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i2">But one sweet passage from the book you read<br/></span>
<span class="i4">The o’ergrown bud of love contrived to burst,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">And all the beauty it had warmly nursed<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Broke in our trembling hearts and blossomèd.<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Youth’s long-fought fire our unloosed fancies fed;<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Our souls felt Love’s unsatiable thirst;<br/></span>
<span class="i4">O! happiest moment then, but now the worst,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">When life’s blue sky grew all aflame with red!<br/></span>
<span class="i2">But when you told how that long looked for smile<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Was kissed by noble Lancelot, then—then—<br/></span>
<span class="i4">You kissed my quivering lips; nor read again;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And bliss eternal breathed in us awhile.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Ah, me! there is no greater grief than when we feel<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The thought of happier days o’er present sorrows steal.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_74" id="page_74"></SPAN>{74}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Ninety years forever fled<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Seem but ninety minutes past,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">As I, waiting for the last,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Live alone among the dead.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Musing in the gloom and glow,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Lo! I see a ghostly train,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Spectres conjured by the brain,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Images of long ago.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">From the soul rise strangled cries,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Death-groans from the sins it wrought;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">From the mind spring buried thought,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Poisoned hopes, vain sympathies.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">In a weird, phantasmal band,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Seen as though in life’s eclipse,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Perished women kiss my lips,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Dead men take me by the hand.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_75" id="page_75"></SPAN>{75}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Infant figures glad with glee,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Cluster in unbidden band,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Clasp my old and palsied hand<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Pulsing high with memory.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Pass light fingers through my hair,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Once like their’s all tangled gold,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Silvery now and thin and old,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Bleached with age and blanched with care.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Softly touch my parchment skin,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Laugh and touch again and ask<br/></span>
<span class="i2">That I throw aside time’s mask,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Dull with years and dark with sin.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Look into my dim, dead eyes,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Dimmer now with tears that start<br/></span>
<span class="i2">From the little left of heart<br/></span>
<span class="i0">That to those dear souls outflies.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_76" id="page_76"></SPAN>{76}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Crowds of spirit-children pass,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Faces, lost long years ago,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Buds, soon buried in the snow,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Playmates—comrades in the class.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Chide me for my childish tears,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Bid me join the childish game,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Call me by a childish name<br/></span>
<span class="i0">None have named for scores of years.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Youths, high-souled, with aims that age<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Neither blighted nor betrayed,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Look with truth-lit eyes that made<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Noble life’s short pilgrimage.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Friends whose friendship now I crave,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Hearts whose love I yet would feel,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">One by one before me steal,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">In and out my living grave.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_77" id="page_77"></SPAN>{77}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">All things I have seen and known,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Read in book and dreamed in dream,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Stand as true as they did seem<br/></span>
<span class="i0">When I claimed them for my own.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">I have tried the truth of life,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Kissed love’s lips till they grew cold,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Drained the cup and clutched the gold,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Mingled in the human strife.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Seen men come and go like leaves<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Through the falls of many years,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Joined their laughter, shared their tears,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">In the plot the great God weaves.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Ninety years forever fled,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Seem but ninety minutes past,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And I, waiting for the last,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Live alone among the dead.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_78" id="page_78"></SPAN>{78}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Grim Winter rose and girded on his sword<br/></span>
<span class="i0">To battle with the world. At each swift blow<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The wind hissed cold, and at the sound abhorred<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Birds ceased their singing and the river’s flow<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Stayed in its course, the sun’s warm glow<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Reached not the flowers through the air’s dark frown,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The last leaves perished, and the crystal snow<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Paled the soft bosom of the earth so brown<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And all her pulsing life was frozen down.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Within Time’s wondrous palace of past years<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Nature sat grieving on her ancient throne;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Her furrowed cheeks were wet with scalding tears,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And from her wrinkled mouth ’scaped many a moan;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For she was brooding on delights long flown,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">When all was bright and happy and the land<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Flourished in fruitfulness, and there was known<br/></span>
<span class="i0">No sign of sorrow, ere stern Winter’s hand<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Gave right of spoil to all his ruthless band.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_79" id="page_79"></SPAN>{79}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">“Ah me!” she cried aloud in accents sad,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">“That ever son of Time should work such woe,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And he of all the offspring I have had,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The eldest, unto whom my love did go<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Like streams that meadow margins overflow<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With rainy surfeit for the thirsty earth;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Whom I had hoped from childhood would upgrow<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Rich in high thought, bold deed and noble worth,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And yet Woe’s curse fell on him from his birth.”<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">In simple beauty Spring knelt gently down,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Kissed the sad tears from Nature’s care-worn face,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Smoothed from her thoughtful brow each troublous frown<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With tender hands, that left of pain no trace,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And then upstood in modest maiden grace,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Saying: “Behold! mine hour hath come to me;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">I go to make my love a resting-place<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Against his coming from beyond the sea—<br/></span>
<span class="i0">A throne most fitting for his sovereignty.”<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_80" id="page_80"></SPAN>{80}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">So Spring walked forth into the icy cold,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And as her first soft footfall touched the earth,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">A joyous thrill on everything took hold,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And from the spot a snowdrop white had birth;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Then a bold robin piped across the dearth<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Of frozen land a loud defiant sound;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Then Winter knew his power was little worth,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And sped him forth to higher vantage ground,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With all his yelling rout fast flying round.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The birds set up a chorus of glad song,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Watching their nests among the shady trees;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Insects in quick innumerable throng<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Made live the earth and air; gold-laden bees<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Scorned the fine butterflies that flew at ease<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Among the blossomed beauties of the fields;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The strong young leaves defied the assaulting breeze,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Spreading the brightness of their verdant shields<br/></span>
<span class="i0">To guard the nurseling fruit that Autumn yields.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_81" id="page_81"></SPAN>{81}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Where the thin moonbeams cast their joys along<br/></span>
<span class="i0">A verdured vale of rapturous delight<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Spring caught the echoes of the herald’s song,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And saw the flowerets in the dead of night<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Lift up their watchful faces, glad and bright,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And heard the birds soft singing through the shade,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Singing for Summer and the morning light;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Then sank her soul within her, and afraid,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">She watched the circuit that the fast moon made.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">As Death, unseen, poised high his vengeful dart,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And Nature knelt beside Spring’s fallen form,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Night’s outer curtain ’gan to wave and part<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Before the sun’s first breath, so bright and warm;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The diamond dew to rainbows did transform,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The flowers raised up their heads to their full height,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The breeze bore on its wings a music storm<br/></span>
<span class="i0">As every bird sang forth in full delight<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And loudest strain the sighings of the night.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_82" id="page_82"></SPAN>{82}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">And Spring, revived a little, moved her head,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And to her mother said, in accents mild:<br/></span>
<span class="i0">“Before he comes, alas! I may be dead.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">O hasten to him, mother, for thy child,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And give him this, I plucked it in the wild,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And tell him ere King Death his mantle throws<br/></span>
<span class="i0">I would he kissed my lips, and on me smiled.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">O haste thee, mother mine! take this white rose,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And bid him come my dying eyes to close.”<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">With her last word the golden door swung free,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">A blaze of sunshine scattered all the gloom,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Sweet music rolled in a voluptuous sea,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The radiant air was filled with scent and bloom,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And Summer stood, the bravest-hearted groom<br/></span>
<span class="i0">That ever bride had waited for and won;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">But Spring lay like an image on a tomb,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Her too-short pilgrimage already done,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Her blue eyes closed, her latest breath begun:<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_83" id="page_83"></SPAN>{83}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">And as her soul forsook its frail abode,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Golden-haired Summer, with a cry of pain,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Across the threshold of Time’s palace strode,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">With tears that fell in showers like to rain,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Calling on Spring to come to life again.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">But tears could not disturb her last repose,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And all the calling of his heart was vain.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Summer still thinks of Spring—his grief he shows,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">When golden raindrops fall upon the rose.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_84" id="page_84"></SPAN>{84}</span></p>
<h2><SPAN name="RONDEL" id="RONDEL"></SPAN>RONDEL.</h2>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">God’s wisdom all my spirit fills<br/></span>
<span class="i2">With faith that puts to flight all doubt,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The snow dissolving into rills<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Refreshing earth from last year’s drought<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Adown the peeping slopes of hills<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Carve their increasing channels out,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">God’s wisdom all my spirit fills<br/></span>
<span class="i2">With faith that puts to flight all doubt.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The day that stirs, the night that stills;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Spring’s masque of flowers; rich summer’s rout;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Each wonder, far past finding out,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">With joy and love my bosom thrills;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">God’s wisdom all my spirit fills<br/></span>
<span class="i2">With faith that puts to flight all doubt.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_85" id="page_85"></SPAN>{85}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">This was the Abbey long years ago<br/></span>
<span class="i2">When a priest was pious, a lord was brave<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And a lady repeated her Ave slow<br/></span>
<span class="i2">With fair eyes fixed on the architrave<br/></span>
<span class="i0">As she heard a sanctified voice that clave<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The clear bright air with a holy strain:<br/></span>
<span class="i0">All have been lost in Time’s great wave—<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Only the old grey walls remain.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">One arch still stands of all the row<br/></span>
<span class="i2">That circled the Abbey so tall and brave,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">These flags as legend would have us know,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Are the very stones that used to pave<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The cloister-walk, when a proud margrave<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Heard from his hiding a love-talk plain<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Which he never forgot and never forgave,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Only the old grey walls remain.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_86" id="page_86"></SPAN>{86}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Here where the nettle and nightshade grow<br/></span>
<span class="i2">By a nameless stone, is the quiet grave<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Of a murdered priest;—they laid him low<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Under the walk of the quiet nave.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">’Tis whispered alas! that a dagger gave<br/></span>
<span class="i2">A stab to the heart that brought no pain;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Of all the story that Time could save<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Only the old grey stones remain.<br/></span></div>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Ballade! To that dead lady go<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Say Love still sings its sad refrain;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Of its lofty hope and sunny glow<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Only its old grey walls remain.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_87" id="page_87"></SPAN>{87}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Born in the night and christened with the dew,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The violet lifts its face for morning’s kiss;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And each fair petal, filled with Nature’s bliss,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Weaves from the sunshine a sweet robe of blue.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The birds look down and wonder how it grew,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">For yesterday the leaves where now it is<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Lay green i’ the grass, and nought was like to this,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Earth’s earliest counterfeit of Heaven’s hue.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The shy hepatica; the showdrop white;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The trebly mounted trillium; the blaze<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Of golden daffodil with sunny rays—<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Have all arisen in their beauty bright;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">But none of Flora’s first-born can compare,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">With this blue-blossomed darling of the air.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_88" id="page_88"></SPAN>{88}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Bright little butterfly, mounting at morning<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Over Love’s garden of sweet delight,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Heedless of harm and the honey-bee’s warning,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Bent upon pleasure, in pains despite.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Gaily thou flutterest, gaudily flaunting<br/></span>
<span class="i2">All thy fair charms to the winds that kiss<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Like a soul in elysian happiness haunting<br/></span>
<span class="i5">New meadows of bliss.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">When the first grey beam of the dawn uplifting<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Shadows of sleep from a world of dreams,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">From sea-marge to mountain and meadow-land drifting,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Lighted at last on thy wings’ bright gleams<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Kissed thee and waked thee and whispered thee hasten<br/></span>
<span class="i2">To herald the sun where it might not smite<br/></span>
<span class="i0">In the deeps of dark dells where white flowers wasten<br/></span>
<span class="i5">And languish for light.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_89" id="page_89"></SPAN>{89}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Thou hast bathed in the sun-flashing spray that arises<br/></span>
<span class="i2">From ripples that laugh on the brook’s fair face,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Thou hast gazed in the mirror that Nature devises<br/></span>
<span class="i2">For Beauty’s delight in her own sweet grace,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Thou hast basked in the heat of the noon-tide splendour<br/></span>
<span class="i2">When cricket piped high in the grass beneath,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And the blossoms that carried thy burden so tender<br/></span>
<span class="i5">Were crowned with a wreath.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The lily grew pale for thou passed its perfection,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The violet bowed in a passion of grief,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The daisy had hope of thy gracious election,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The blue-bell despaired of its heart’s relief,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The hyacinth spread all its beauties before thee,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The marjoram blushed as it caught thine eye,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The mignonette flung its sweet fragrance o’er thee—<br/></span>
<span class="i5">But thou passed them by.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_90" id="page_90"></SPAN>{90}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Light was thy heart and the pleasures thou scattered<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Were pure as the flowers on which they fell,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Till the red rose sought thee and caught thee and flattered,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">With promise of love thou hast known too well.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">All the long hours till the low sun glamoured<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The bright blushing petals to kiss and to toy,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Thou paused in thy flight, for thy heart enamoured<br/></span>
<span class="i5">Drank deeply of joy.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The blossoms that drooped in the dark and were sighing<br/></span>
<span class="i2">For tidings of light thou wert bidden to tell<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Lay down in despair, dreading death, and yet dying<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And great was the grief in deeps of the dell,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For thou hadst forgotten the message of morning<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And the work of the day thou wast given to do,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For the love of the rose and the honey-bee’s scorning<br/></span>
<span class="i5">For thy love was true.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_91" id="page_91"></SPAN>{91}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Poor little butterfly! dying so sadly<br/></span>
<span class="i2">At the rise of the moon o’er the ripe-gold grain;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Dost thou rue of the pleasure thou tasted so madly,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Would’st thou take back thy love to take life again?<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Ah, no! Love is sweeter and meeter than duty,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And shall hold thee in joy till thy last breath beats,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Till thou liest at rest—a dead marvel of beauty<br/></span>
<span class="i5">Surrounded by sweets.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_92" id="page_92"></SPAN>{92}</span></p>
<h2><SPAN name="COWPER" id="COWPER"></SPAN>COWPER.</h2>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">A gentle stream purled on its peaceful way<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Through woodlands fair and meadows wondrous sweet,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Chancing at length a cavern dark to meet<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Within whose depth ne’er fell the light of day;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Lo! as it entered, heavenward flew the spray<br/></span>
<span class="i2">All loth to pass beyond and backward beat,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">As though the natural course it would defeat<br/></span>
<span class="i0">That plunged it where the sun cast not a ray.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Through that lone cave of blackness on it sped,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Its happy music turned to mournful sigh,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Until it reached the end, when earth and sky<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Shone doubly bright that seemed for so long dead;—<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Thus didst thou pass, sweet singer, through the gloom<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Of life’s dark hollow. Light came at the tomb.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_93" id="page_93"></SPAN>{93}</span></p>
<h2><SPAN name="RAIN" id="RAIN"></SPAN>RAIN.</h2>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Love only laughs when sunshine floods the air,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">When winds flute summer music through the trees,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">When nature’s masquers are attired to please<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And Flora holds gay gala everywhere;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">But now Heaven’s brow is underknit with care,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Low clouds burst forth a-weeping, flowery leas<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Are drowned with runnels and the ponds grow seas,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Leaves droop beneath the dripping loads they bear,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And silence reigns in each late lute-filled bough;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The cricket chorus and the humming crowd<br/></span>
<span class="i2">That tell how labour lightens earth’s hard way<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Are all—all gone. Love hears no music now—<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Only an endless falling, sharp and loud,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">The dreary rhythm of a rainy day.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_94" id="page_94"></SPAN>{94}</span></p>
<h2><SPAN name="HYMN" id="HYMN"></SPAN>HYMN.</h2>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">When the calm of night is falling<br/></span>
<span class="i2">And the cares of day are o’er,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Hear the voice of Jesus calling;—<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Go to Him and sin no more.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">When the heart is sad and troubled<br/></span>
<span class="i2">He alone can peace restore,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">By his love is life ennobled;—<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Go to Him and sin no more.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">When the soul in grief and anguish<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Mourns the evil done before,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Let your faith no longer languish;—<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Go to Him and sin no more.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_95" id="page_95"></SPAN>{95}</span><br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Go to Him! for He can only<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Soothe the pain and heal the sore,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">All who are distressed and lonely;—<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Go to Him and sin no more.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Go to Him! lay down your burden,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">At His feet His love implore,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Ask in penitence for pardon;—<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Go to Him and sin no more.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Go to Him! He hath invited<br/></span>
<span class="i2">All to enter Heaven’s door,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Sinners by His love united;—<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Go to Him and sin no more.<br/></span></div>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="page_96" id="page_96"></SPAN>{96}</span></p>
<div class="poetry">
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">There is a playwright older than the years,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Who maketh all men actors in his play,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">And, though they know not what they do or say,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">The purpose of the plot in all appears.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Each in his turn, beset with inborn fears,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Enters unseen, youth’s comedy so gay,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Laughs through the hours that glide too soon away<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Beneath the clouds of soul-consuming tears.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Then manhood’s tragedy with perils fraught,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Pursues its fickle fortunes to the end,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">When Fate, the villain of the piece doth send<br/></span>
<span class="i0">By whom the last exciting scene is wrought;<br/></span>
<span class="i4">A timely stab from Death’s sure-falling knife<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Brings down the curtain o’er the play of life.<br/></span></div>
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<SPAN name="endofbook"></SPAN>
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