<SPAN name="startofbook"></SPAN>
<h2>AND SONGS</h2>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_3" id="Page_3">[Pg 3]</SPAN></span></p>
<h3><SPAN name="I" id="I"></SPAN>I</h3>
<h3><i>Ave atque Vale</i></h3>
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">As a blown leaf across the face of Time<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Your name falls emptily upon my heart.<br/></span>
<span class="i2">In this new symmetry you have no part,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">No lot in my fair life. The stars still chime<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Autumn and Spring in ceaseless pantomime.<br/></span>
<span class="i2">I play with Beauty, which is kin to Art,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Forgetting Nature. Nor do pulses start<br/></span>
<span class="i0">To hear your soul remembered in a rhyme.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">You may not vex me any more. The stark<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Terror of life has passed, and all the stress.<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Winds had their will of me, and now caress,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Blown from bland groves I know. Time dreams, and I,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">As on a mirror, see the days go by<br/></span>
<span class="i0">In nonchalant procession to the dark.<br/></span></div>
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