<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_23" id="Page_23">[Pg 23]</SPAN></span></p>
<h3><SPAN name="XXI" id="XXI"></SPAN>XXI</h3>
<h3><i>Eadem Semper</i></h3>
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">How shall I hold you? By a scimitar<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Of flashing wit suspended o’er your head,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Oh, my Beloved? Or with lips rose-red<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Lure you to Lethe? Shall I stand afar,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Pale and remote and distant as a star,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Challenging love? Or by a scarlet thread<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Jealousy’s wiles, beguile by scorn and dread?<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Wounding the heart I love with hateful scar.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Nay, I can take no action, play no play;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">All my wit falters when I hear you speak,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">All my wise guile with which your wooing strove<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Vanishes as the sun of yesterday.<br/></span>
<span class="i2">I can but lay my cheek against your cheek—<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Love me or leave me, I can only love.<br/></span></div>
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