<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_30" id="Page_30">[Pg 30]</SPAN></span></p>
<h3><SPAN name="XXVIII" id="XXVIII"></SPAN>XXVIII</h3>
<h3><i>Amor Mysticus</i></h3>
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Not you, nor all the gauds that Fate bestows,<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Can make me swerve so little from my dream.<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Across my veil of mystery you seem<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Perhaps a little dearer than the rose,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Perhaps more fair than the long light that flows<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Between the lids of twilight. But the gleam<br/></span>
<span class="i2">Of iris on the breast of wisdom’s stream<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Is of a radiance that no rival knows.<br/></span></div>
<div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">My heart is not my heart, or it might chance<br/></span>
<span class="i2">To sorrow for the sorrow in your tears;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">My soul is locked against all circumstance<br/></span>
<span class="i4">Of life or love or death or heaven or hell;<br/></span>
<span class="i2">I have no place for laughter in my years,<br/></span>
<span class="i4">No room where little, little love might dwell.<br/></span></div>
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