English Dictionary

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 clamour clamour /ˈklæmɝ/


  1. Loud and persistent outcry from many people  ( clamor [American] , clamour , clamouring [Canadian, British] , clamoring [American] , hue and cry )
    loud and persistent outcry from many people
     He ignored the clamor of the crowd
    he ignored the clamor of the crowd


  1. [Canadian, British] Make loud demands  ( clamour [Canadian, British] , clamor [American] )
    make loud demands
     He clamored for justice and tolerance
    he clamored for justice and tolerance
  2. [Canadian, British] Utter or proclaim insistently and noisily  ( clamour [Canadian, British] , clamor [American] )
    utter or proclaim insistently and noisily
     The delegates clamored their disappointment
    The delegates clamored their disappointment