English Dictionary

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 contortion contortion /kənˈtɔrʃən/


  1. () The act of twisting or deforming the shape of something (e.g., yourself)  ( deformation , contortion )
    the act of twisting or deforming the shape of something (e.g., yourself)
      The contortionist amazed the audience with her flexibility.
    The contortionist amazed the audience with her flexibility.
  2. () A tortuous and twisted shape or position  ( crookedness , torsion , tortuosity , tortuousness , contortion )
    a tortuous and twisted shape or position
     They built a tree house in the tortuosities of its boughs
    they built a tree house in the tortuosities of its boughs
     The acrobat performed incredible contortions
    the acrobat performed incredible contortions