English Dictionary

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 antagonism antagonism /ænˈtæɡəˌnɪzəm/


  1. (biochemistry) interference in or inhibition of the physiological action of a chemical substance by another having a similar structure  ( antagonism )
    (biochemistry) interference in or inhibition of the physiological action of a chemical substance by another having a similar structure
  2. An actively expressed feeling of dislike and hostility  ( antagonism )
    an actively expressed feeling of dislike and hostility
  3. The relation between opposing principles, forces or factors  ( antagonism )
    the relation between opposing principles, forces or factors
     The inherent antagonism of capitalism and socialism
    the inherent antagonism of capitalism and socialism
  4. A state of deep-seated ill-will  ( antagonism , enmity , hostility )
    a state of deep-seated ill-will