English Dictionary

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 stab stab /ˈstæb/


  1. Informal words for any attempt or effort  ( shot , stab )
    informal words for any attempt or effort
     He gave it his best shot
    he gave it his best shot
     He took a stab at forecasting
    he took a stab at forecasting
  2. A strong blow with a knife or other sharp pointed instrument  ( stab , knife thrust , thrust )
    a strong blow with a knife or other sharp pointed instrument
     One strong stab to the heart killed him
    one strong stab to the heart killed him
  3. A sudden sharp feeling  ( stab , pang , twinge )
    a sudden sharp feeling
     Pangs of regret
    pangs of regret
     She felt a stab of excitement
    she felt a stab of excitement
     Twinges of conscience
    twinges of conscience


  1. () Use a knife on  ( knife , stab )
    use a knife on
     The victim was knifed to death
    The victim was knifed to death
  2. Poke or thrust abruptly  ( dig , prod , jab , poke , stab )
    poke or thrust abruptly
     He jabbed his finger into her ribs
    he jabbed his finger into her ribs
  3. Stab or pierce  ( jab , stab )
    stab or pierce
     He jabbed the piece of meat with his pocket knife
    he jabbed the piece of meat with his pocket knife