English Dictionary

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 headlong headlong /ˈhɛdˌlɔŋ/


  1. With the head foremost  ( headfirst , headlong )
    with the head foremost
     A headfirst plunge down the stairs
    a headfirst plunge down the stairs
     A headlong dive into the pool
    a headlong dive into the pool
  2. Excessively quick  ( headlong , Gadarene , hasty )
    excessively quick
     Made a hasty exit
    made a hasty exit
     A headlong rush to sell
    a headlong rush to sell


  1. () With the head foremost  ( headfirst , headlong )
    with the head foremost
     The runner slid headlong into third base
    the runner slid headlong into third base
  2. In a hasty and foolhardy manner  ( headlong , rashly )
    in a hasty and foolhardy manner
     He fell headlong in love with his cousin
    he fell headlong in love with his cousin
  3. At breakneck speed  ( headlong , precipitately )
    at breakneck speed
     Burst headlong through the gate
    burst headlong through the gate