English Dictionary

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 sublime sublime /səˈblaɪm/


  1. () Inspiring awe  ( empyreal , empyrean , sublime )
    inspiring awe
     Well-meaning ineptitude that rises to empyreal absurdity
    well-meaning ineptitude that rises to empyreal absurdity
     Empyrean aplomb
    empyrean aplomb
     The sublime beauty of the night
    the sublime beauty of the night
  2. () [Archaic] Lifted up or set high  ( sublime [Archaic] )
    lifted up or set high
     Their hearts were jocund and sublime
    their hearts were jocund and sublime
  3. () Worthy of adoration or reverence  ( reverend , sublime )
    worthy of adoration or reverence
  4. Greatest or maximal in degree; extreme  ( sublime , supreme )
    greatest or maximal in degree; extreme
     Supreme folly
    supreme folly
     The supreme confidence of youth
    the supreme confidence of youth
     The sublime absurdity of the creative process
    the sublime absurdity of the creative process
     His face assumed an expression of sublime conceit
    His face assumed an expression of sublime conceit
  5. Of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style  ( elevated , grand , high-flown , high-minded , idealistic , noble-minded , rarefied , rarified , sublime , exalted , lofty )
    of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style
     An exalted ideal
    an exalted ideal
     Argue in terms of high-flown ideals
    argue in terms of high-flown ideals
     A noble and lofty concept
    a noble and lofty concept
     A grand purpose
    a grand purpose


  1. () Vaporize and then condense right back again  ( sublimate , sublime )
    vaporize and then condense right back again
  2. Change or cause to change directly from a solid into a vapor without first melting  ( sublimate , sublime )
    change or cause to change directly from a solid into a vapor without first melting
     Sublime iodine
    sublime iodine
     Some salts sublime when heated
    some salts sublime when heated