English Dictionary

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 grit grit /ˈgrɪt/


  1. Fortitude and determination  ( grit , gumption [Informal] , moxie [Informal, N. American] , sand [Informal, N. American] , backbone , guts )
    fortitude and determination
     He didn't have the guts to try it
    he didn't have the guts to try it
  2. A hard coarse-grained siliceous sandstone  ( grit , gritrock , gritstone )
    a hard coarse-grained siliceous sandstone


  1. Clench together  ( grit )
    clench together
     Grit one's teeth
    grit one's teeth
  2. Cover with a grit  ( grit )
    cover with a grit
     Grit roads
    grit roads