English Dictionary

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 zigzag zigzag /ˈzɪgzæg/


  1. Having short sharp turns or angles  ( zig-zag , zigzag )
    having short sharp turns or angles


  1. In a zigzag course or on a zigzag path  ( zigzag )
    in a zigzag course or on a zigzag path
     Birds flew zigzag across the blue sky
    birds flew zigzag across the blue sky


  1. An angular shape characterized by sharp turns in alternating directions  ( zag , zig , zigzag )
    an angular shape characterized by sharp turns in alternating directions


  1. () Travel along a zigzag path  ( crank , zigzag )
    travel along a zigzag path
     The river zigzags through the countryside
    The river zigzags through the countryside