foggy /ˈfɑːgi/
Obscured by fog
, foggy
obscured by fog
He could barely see through the fogged window
he could barely see through the fogged window
Filled or abounding with fog or mist
, foggy
, hazy
, misty
filled or abounding with fog or mist
A brumous October morning
a brumous October morning
Indistinct or hazy in outline
, blurry
, foggy
, blurred
, fuzzy
, hazy
, muzzy
indistinct or hazy in outline
A landscape of blurred outlines
a landscape of blurred outlines
The trees were just blurry shapes
the trees were just blurry shapes
Stunned or confused and slow to react (as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion)
, logy
[ N. American] , stuporous
, dazed
, groggy
stunned or confused and slow to react (as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion)