English Dictionary

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 foretell foretell /fɔrˈtɛl/


  1. Indicate, as with a sign or an omen  ( auspicate , betoken , foreshadow , augur , bode , foretell , omen , prefigure , prognosticate , forecast , portend , predict , presage )
    indicate, as with a sign or an omen
     These signs bode bad news
    These signs bode bad news
  2. Make a prediction about; tell in advance  ( call , forebode , foretell , anticipate , predict , prognosticate , promise )
    make a prediction about; tell in advance
     Call the outcome of an election
    Call the outcome of an election
  3. Foreshadow or presage  ( annunciate , foretell , harbinger , announce , herald )
    foreshadow or presage